Enviromental effects on inactive players [was: active players]

James Frediani (ferpo@netdex.com)
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 06:48:03 -0800

-----Original Message-----
From: Mordekai <apenney@lpr.com.au>
To: Capricorn <cappy@skynet.be>
Cc: g2-list@pbm.com <g2-list@pbm.com>
Date: Friday, December 11, 1998 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: active players

> My my, what a nice weather we're having...

Yes but it looks like could rain. Oh well you expect that in autumn.
Must be hard on all those inactive nobles just standing around in the
rain month after month doing nothing.

@Actually, here in "sunny" California, the skies are clear, and the
temperature has risen to a balmy 33 degrees [F, not C or K :^) ]
Indollant nobles have been put to work harvesting mushrooms, pressing
olives, pruning dormant trees and vines. Also there is a slightly
Festive Air, as trees and domiciles are being decorated with colored
streamers and religiously significant artifacts...

Did I mention I think there are over 100 of these and that means
there are only 250 active factions?

> (just trying to change the subject here...)

(trying to help change the subject and sort of wondering how we got
from there to here )


Also wondering if Greg said the sky was blue would Skip insist it was
green? (I think its red)

@Of course you think its red. Its that inverted perspective of yours.
I see it as black, with numerous sparkles of white. Like everything else,
this will change, with time [like about another 45 minutes :^) ]


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