Re: active players

Basil A. Daoust (
Tue, 08 Dec 1998 11:14:38 -0600

James Frediani wrote:
> As for the issue of the disparity [sp?] between active and total
> factions in play, I suggest that Rich may be very busy and probably hasn't
> had the opportunity to go through and "drop" those players
> who have simply stopped submitting turns [and payments]. When he
> has the time, the numbers will probably converge somewhat :^)

These dropped factions may have been left in totally for tax purposes.
Each faction that has orders processed is charged. If these bills are
not paid they should give the moderator a tax break. Though it is
likely he has more than he knows what to do with and they are probably
more a function of not allocating time resources to remove them.

As for dropping my npc device to see if I can find it again. Anyone
want to give me an NP first :-) Then you can try.


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