Re: Trade in G2

Basil A. Daoust (
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 01:32:58 -0500


I would say that your on the right track. I would still say that the
town is to easy to build.
Lets take a fictition faction. They have 10 nobles with variable
skills. Remember I'm only talking about a single faction alliance in my
experiences are made up of many factions. But lets look at the single

a noble recruits in a city hex pulling in 20 peasants a turn, in 10
turns he has 200 peasants
two nobles do a similar activity in another city but create pikemen
thats 200 pikemen in 10 turns.
a noble can easily quarry 100 stone a turn so in 10 turns thats 1000
a noble cutting wood, with convienient forests can easily cut 120 wood a
turn or 1200 in 10 turns
This took only 1/2 the faction. The other 1/2 can be making money etc.
Now lets get a allaince organized... I'll leave that for you to think

Here are some numbers that might work for a city sized location:
50,000 stone
30,000 wood
5,000 Iron
200 Pikemen
5,000 workers
20,000 peasant
100,000 man hours and 100,000 gold
(requirement would be like all other building, 20% for each phase

I suppose you could destory a city like you destroy castles... but the
population would not be destroyed and rebuilding the location should be
easier than above.

Rodgers, Robert wrote:
> >But what about the people?
> Right. I've actually given this quite a bit of thought in a general
> plan for increased economic development in Oly that I intend to someday
> propose to Rich. In essence, I think creation of a city ought to be a
> three step process, starting with the creation of a village with 500(?)
> wood and 200 peasants. The village has no market, no structures can be
> built inside, but does produce an addtional 10 peasants per month (they
> do breed, don't they, those peasants: Almost think they were all named
> Clinton or something) and doesn't contribute to civ level. Adding a
> certain amount of stone and some more peasants makes a town, which still
> has no market, but can have structures built in it and contributes .5 to
> civ level. Then, adding more stone, more peasants, and some pikemen
> makes a city. All this would require a new construction skill, and
> perhaps a noble point to build the city just to make it harder.
> My economic system also includes roads, farms, etc. Probably never be
> implemented, but I enjoy thinking about this sort of thing as a long
> time amateur game designer.
> Rob

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