Continent of Tollus
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 13:59:47 -0500 (EST)

Attention please all factions on the continent of Tollus.

As some of you already know, over the last 20 turns TIBs has made a
substantial investment of time & effort into the colonization and settlement
of the continent of Tollus. During this time we have had contact with but a
few other factions. Most notably, our we did have lengthy contact with a
group calling themselves the South Tollus Company, headed by Walt Pesch.

During this contact we attempted to negotiate a border and treaty with the
STC, but unfortunately Walt decided that garrisoning should proceed on a
first come, first served basis.
For several turns we have left that "non-agreement" in place. Considering
the recent events in the world, we believe it now to be unwise to leave an
area of such importance and worth unprotected by treaty.

To this end, we invite all factions that are currently on the continent of
Tollus to contact us so that we may finally put in place treaties and borders
to protect everybodies interests. This invitation is open to to all players
on Tollus, not just the South Tollus Company. Also, as the STCs spokesmen
has decided to decline establishment of a formalized treaty or border, I
would urge that individual members of the STC that desire a treaty contact us
Please note that ownership of a castle, or plans to build a castle, are not
required to partake in this discussion. ALL factions with nobles on Tollus
are urged to partake.

Be it known that TIBs currently has 5 factions, 1 complete castle, and 1
castle under construction on Tollus. As Minister of Foreign Affairs for TIBs
Alliance I will represent the interests of these factions and castles, as
well as future TIBs factions and castles in these negotiations.

The following provisions will be assumed to be in effect on the continent of
Tollus pending the ratification of a treaty that expressly supercedes them.
A similar message will be posted in the Times on turn 41 to assure that all
concerned parties are informed.
Please note that these provisions differ slightly from those in our charter,
as Tollus is still a wild frontier that requires some special care in it's

(1) TIBs currently recognises no border on the continent of Tollus
(2) TIBs currently recognises no "garrison rights" on the continent of
Tollus. Garrisoning is allowed on a first come, first served basis
(3) resource harvesting or peasant recruiting is not permitted in the
provinces containing our castles, or the 8 adjacent provinces.
(4) stacks of 10+ fighters, or 25+ men of any kind, are not permitted within
3 provinces of our castles.
(5) the markets in the cities that contain our castles are considered
"closed" to outside trade.
(6) any faction that attacks a TIB noble, garrison or structure, or
supports such an attack, will be considered to have committed an act of war
against the TIBs alliance and will be responded to accordingly.
(7) any faction that has knowledge of an impending attack on a TIB noble,
garrison or structure and fails to inform the TIBs of said attack will be
said to have committed a hostile act towards our alliance and will be
responded to accordingly.

it is our fervent hope that these provisions will be dropped in short order.
We hope to incorporate the territory surrounding our Tollus castles into our
declared "TIB Territory" as defined within our charter.

I urge all concerned parties to contact me as soon as they are able so that
we may become friends as well as fellow Tollusians.

Eric Nelson
Minister of Foreign Affairs
TIBs Alliance

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