Re: City Questions

Bruce Glassco (
Thu, 13 Mar 1997 12:44:01 -0800

At 03:29 PM 3/13/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Apparently, Rich is a bit too busy, as I have asked him some of
>the following several times, without receiving an answer.
>(In fairness, given the net, it is also possible that he answered
> but the answer was lost somewhere.)
>I am trying to understand the relationship between Garrisons,
>Cities, and collecting taxes froim cities. I'll try to put these
>in a logical order:
>1) If you have a Garrisoned province (with Castle) adjancent to a
> province with a City, when you Garrison the province,
> do you ge the provincial taxes but not the city bonus?
>2) Do you then have to separately defeat the City garrison?
> And do you have to provide a new city garrison
>3) Can I build a castle inside a City before I have defeated the
> City garrison in battle?
> Thank you,
> Joel M. Halpern
> Lost Magi - G2

I don't know about 1 & 2, but the answer to 3 is yes. It is being done in a
Yellowleaf suburb.

The Midnight Carnival
Bruce Glassco
Mount Senario College
1500 College Avenue West
Ladysmith, Wisconsin 54848

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