City Questions

Joel Halpern (
Thu, 13 Mar 1997 15:29:56 -0500 (EST)

Apparently, Rich is a bit too busy, as I have asked him some of
the following several times, without receiving an answer.
(In fairness, given the net, it is also possible that he answered
but the answer was lost somewhere.)

I am trying to understand the relationship between Garrisons,
Cities, and collecting taxes froim cities. I'll try to put these
in a logical order:

1) If you have a Garrisoned province (with Castle) adjancent to a
province with a City, when you Garrison the province,
do you ge the provincial taxes but not the city bonus?
2) Do you then have to separately defeat the City garrison?
And do you have to provide a new city garrison
3) Can I build a castle inside a City before I have defeated the
City garrison in battle?

Thank you,
Joel M. Halpern
Lost Magi - G2

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