Mapping data project

Marcus Lowe (
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 22:48:38 -0500 (EST)

Greetings fellow nobles.

Wanted - Any sector data (terrain features for color-coded map). Goal is to
have GIF image map of G2 with hot links to city data (skills, political,
Find a sector on the map, click and see what's there. For this to be a
success, I am in need of your assistance (and provided that I can get all
the links etc to work).

Do you have any map information from your region?
Have you found and/or visited any new cities?

I can provide info from the southern coast and some inland data. I have the
following information for exchange/trade:

Market reports available
Drassa [d80], port city, in province Forest [cc23], safe
Harn [t75], port city, in province Forest [dm50], safe
Sweetwood [p73], port city, in province Forest [dm48]
Yellowleaf [r52], port city, in province Forest [dh78], safe

Also have available
Cities by location (with Skills listing)
Markets by item (cross-reference listing)

Sectors explored (and for those who would try to determine where I from,
it's Harn)

Please forward a list of cities and sectors that you have for trade and
indicate which information you would like to exchange. If your requested
information is not listed, I will try to find it for you, hopefully ;).

If I can find a host, I will set this up on the Net. If not, then I will be
forwarding it as a zipped file (htm, gif) for extracting to local drive
"c:\olympia\" to anyone who actively contributes.

Thank you for your assistance.

Comments, critiques and other constructive assistance will be greated
appreciated as this is my 'first' attempt at html and whatnot.

The Illuminati [hx8]

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