Games in this category:
- 1939 World Wide Battle Plan (Wargame)
- A Day At The Races (ADATR) (Horse Racing (Flat) English)
- Ashes of Empire, the (strategic space game)
- Austerlitz (historical (Napoleonic) wargame)
- Battle Plan (Wargame - conquer Europe)
- Company Commander (Modern Wargame)
- DBU - Die Bundesliga (sports, football manager)
- Diplomacy (email version of Hasbro's pure strategy game)
- Dragonborn (Tribal, Low Fantasy, political, war)
- Extra Time (sports)
- Fallen At The First (FATF) (Horse racing game based upon UK race courses)
- Far Horizons: The Awakening (space opera, strategy)
- Feudal Lords (Medieval strategy)
- Forgotten Realms -- War of the Avatars (fantasy wargame)
- Galac-Tac (space conquest 4X)
- Galactic Conflict (space wargame)
- Glofeyne (Fantasy)
- Heroic Fantasy (Fantasy roleplaying)
- Hyborian War (fantasy wargame)
- It's a Crime (UK Version) (Mafia type Play by Email game)
- JASTA (WW1 air combat wargame)
- Les Petites Betes Soyeuses (En Garde! (swashbuckling RPG))
- Midgard UK (Fantasy, medieval wargame)
- Mobius I (Science Fiction / Conquer the Galaxy)
- Monster Island (Fantasy Exploration)
- Mysticora (Epic Fantasy)
- Nuclear Destruction (wargame)
- PBMWrestling (PBM fantasy/imaginary wrestling game)
- Phantasmech (cyberpunk role playing)
- Phoenix: Beyond the Stellar Empire (Europe) (Space Opera)
- Puma (football management sim based on "United")
- Quest (fantasy role playing)
- REGIME CHANGE (Space Opera)
- Renaissance (historical simulation, open-ended, in its 43rd year)
- Riftlords (Interstellar commodity trading (basic game))
- Scramble for Empire (Victorian imperialist colohial wargame campaign! )
- Starweb (Science Fiction Simulation)
- Supernova: Rise of the Empire (Epic strategic-scale space power game)
- Swashbuckler (historical roleplaying)
- The Broken Lands (Fantasy Adventure Game)
- The Glory of Kings (La Gloire du Roi) (18th century historical power wargame)
- The Perils of Mortimer (goofy real-world-ish adventure (no magic))
- Total Football Management (Football Simulation)
- TOTL [Top Of The League] (Football management sim based on "United")
- Urban Empire (Crime)
- Warlord (Wargame)
- Wars of the Roses (historical wargame, power game)
- World Wide Battle Plan (wargame)
- Xott (Fantasy RPG)
- Xott Solo (Fantasy Role Playing Game)
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