
This entry is part of the PBM List.

Type: email version of Hasbro's pure strategy game
Frequency: varies from one per day to one per 2 weeks
Email: usef@diplom.org (HELP in body of message)
URL: http://devel.diplom.org/DipPouch/ [ dead link ]
Keywords: free-moderation, closed-ended, snail, email, computer, abstract, historical
Last-Update: 1998Aug15


The Diplomacy Adjudicator is a fully computer-moderated gamemaster for Hasbro's Diplomacy boardgame. To get more information from the moderator, send email with the word "HELP" in the body of the message (the subject is ignored) to judge@morrolan.diplom.org. There are also other judges available; see the web page for details.

Diplomacy is probably the biggest PBEM game out there, with 583 games going as of August, 1997. I'd estimate at least 2,000 players are active in one or more games. Most discussion related to Diplomacy takes place on the newsgroup rec.games.diplomacy.


Played the game? You can send me comments to be placed on this page by writing lindahl@pbm.com. But don't write me attempting to join the game -- write the GM, whose address is above.

Are you the GM? You can update your listing by writing lindahl@pbm.com. If you have something new to say about your game, for example an opening for new players, you can create an announcement for your game.

Don't see your favorite game? Then you can add an entry for it.

Return to the PBM List.

Greg Lindahl