PBM / PBEM List Index: closed-ended snail
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commercial (27)
computer moderated (22)
computer/human mod (8)
economic (12)
email (27)
fantasy (7)
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graphical client (6)
historical (10)
modern (9)
role-playing (6)
space (7)
wargame (25)
web-based play (4)
Games in this category:
1939 World Wide Battle Plan
Ancient Battles
Ashes of Empire, the
(strategic space game)
(historical (Napoleonic) wargame)
Battle Plan
(Wargame - conquer Europe)
(email version of Hasbro's pure strategy game)
Far Horizons: The Awakening
(space opera, strategy)
Feudal Lords
(Medieval strategy)
Forgotten Realms -- War of the Avatars
(fantasy wargame)
(space conquest 4X)
Galactic Conflict
(space wargame)
Hyborian War
(fantasy wargame)
It's a Crime (UK Version)
(Mafia type Play by Email game)
(WW1 air combat wargame)
Miller Systems WW2 Campaign
(Global Strategy)
Mobius I
(Science Fiction / Conquer the Galaxy)
Napoleonic Battles
Nuclear Destruction
(Science Fiction Simulation)
Urban Empire
World Wide Battle Plan
(Fantasy Empire Wargame) [
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Darkness of Silverfall
(Space Conquest) [
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Guru Football Manager
(Football Management) [
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Middle Earth Play by Mail
(Fantasy Wargame) [
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NCAA Management Game
(College Football Management Game) [
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Origins of World War II (AH)
(Political/Strategic) [
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Serim Ral
(Fantasy Wargame) [
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Serim Ral 2nd Edition
(fantasy wargames) [
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(Economics) [
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(fantasy strategy) [
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Greg Lindahl