How about ....
You get one additional NP each turn (or every other turn). New nobles
cost NP equal to your current number of nobles, with some minimum to
prevent unethical behavior. [Or perhaps Rich can track the total number
of nobles you've had over the past game year.]
NP costs for magic, oathing, etc. should (obviously) be adjusted.
Another option....
You get an additional NP after turns 8, 16, 24 and 32. After that, you
don't get any more. *However* if you have "unrecovered" NPs (due to deaths
of oathed or magic-using nobles), then you can recover *those* points at
one per game year.
The simple solution (of course) is to only allow a faction to control X NPs.
X should probably be 30 to 40, so that only serious NP hounds would get
bothered by the limit -- the rest of us would just slowly see our factions
Ed Bailey
-- Ed Bailey | Voice: (512) 471-4198 Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: bailey@{hagar,ziggy}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |, or Austin TX 78712 | "No pithy quotes. Just email addresses."