PBM / PBEM List Index: www
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Games in this category:
22nd Fleet Writing Community (Science Fiction)
2300 A.D. - The Great Game (strategy, sci-fi, wargame)
24 the RPG (Modern, Espionage)
A Hell Of A Ride (Vampire Diaries/Originals/Supernatural/Sleepy Hollow/etc)
A Shadow of Hope (Dark Sun 3.5e Campaign)
A Twist Of Fate (Dracula/Vampire Diaries/Originals Crossover RPG)
A Wrinkle In Time! (Sci-Fi, Adventure)
AD&D v.3.5 NEW CAMPAIGN (Open-ended) (fantasy, medieval, AD&D)
Adventurer's Arena AD+D v3.5 (Fantasy)
Adventures Fame (fantasy adventure game simple text web based )
Aeipathy (Ancient World RPG)
Aelyria (fantasy, play by post)
Aeterna Roma (historical, political)
Age of Conquest (Ancient era strategy wargame)
Agonia - Tales of Forgotten Lands (adventure, fighting)
Aleth PBEM (fantasy wargame)
Alpha Fleet (Startrek Roleplaying)
Alphasim Hockey Simulation (Web based Management Hockey Sim)
Alternate Universes (Comic Book Based PBEM / Writing Game)
Always and Forever (Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals )
AMFA Manager (Soccer Management)
Ankh-Morpork Needs YOU! (Fantasy Role-Playing on the Discworld)
Arabian Nights Type Solo Game (fantasy, rules-lite)
Arcane Journeys (Web-based Fantasy&Sci-fi single player games)
Argentum Championship Wrestling (Wrestling E Fed)
Ashes of Empire, the (strategic space game)
Atomic Highway (Post-Apocalyptic)
Australian Football Email League (sports)
Axis & Allies (another) (WWII war game)
Azgarn (Ad&d, fantasy)
Back of the Net (Free PbEM Football Management sim)
Ban of the Highlands: Carve Your Path Through War and Intrigue! (Low Magic Fantasy)
barbarian life (fantasy)
Baroque Historical RPG (Historical Roleplaying Game)
Battle Corp (Turn by turn online wargame)
BattleTech Mercenaries (PBF and PBeM Science Fiction Warfare Fan Fiction)
Before the Mast (historical, pirate, forum-based)
Bellerophon (sci-fi, survival, space, realistic-ish, gurps)
Blades of Nyr (fantasy)
Bleach : Endgame (Anime RP based on the Bleach Series)
Bleach Revolution (Play by Post RPG)
Blood & Crown (Medieval RPG)
Boardgames (Boardgame abstract)
Brave New Worlds (Strategic pulp futuristic pop-culture)
British Politics Sim (free political simulation)
Buffy Alt. Season 7 PBEM (Buffy/Fantasy/Horror)
By The Gun (1920s mafia roleplay)
By Wit & Whitby (Victorian-Era RPG)
Camarilla Nights (Vampire, Horror, Open-Ended, NWOD, VampireTheRequiem, MageTheAwakening, Second Sight, SkinThieves)
Campaign for 40+ year olds (D&D)
Candlekeep (D&D epic level Greyhawk pbem)
Capitol Hill (US Political Simulation)
Caribbean Dawn (historical, colonial, West Indies, Age of Sail, swashbuckling adventures)
Carnage Blender 2 (Carnage Blender, a free multiplayer strategy RPG)
Castle Marchen - Fairytales for Adults (Fantasy (fairytale romance/adventure))
Century 22 (Future History Sci Fi Geopolitics)
Check site (Medieval Fantasy)
Chess (Chess)
Chicago By Night: Time Gone By (VTM) (Vampire the Masquerade)
Chrestonim (Science Fantasy)
Claremont Academy (teenage super-hero)
Clarke Academy for SuperHeroes (Social Superhero PBEM)
Clash of Legends (Fantasy wargame)
Classic fantasy game, each player goes solo (fantasy)
Cold War: Control Destiny (Diplomacy based wargame)
Compliance (Alternate History, Dystopian, Post Apocalyptic, Romance RPG)
Conclave (Cooperative fantasy RPG)
Convergence of Dark (Cross Cannon Supernatural Themed RPG)
Copa Mundial (German) (football manager)
Cordia Campaign: Reclaiming the Dead (Fandasy D&D 3.5 variant)
Court of the Rose (historical, tudors era, movieverse, slash rpg)
Crimson Nights (Vampire the Masquerade)
Critical Collapse (Economic war game)
Cthonia (Pathfinder, D20, DnD)
Cura Manager (soccer management)
Cyberpunk 2020 on the Equator (cyberpunk, near-future, literary)
Démange - LE jeu (Massive fantasy wargame)
DandD 3.5, Pathfinder, AFMBE, etc. (Play By Email. (D&D, Pathfinder, Etc))
Dark Horizons (Zombie Apocalypse)
Dark Horizons X-Men RPG (PBEM/Yahoo Group RPG)
Dark Motives (Supernatural)
Dark World RPG (Free-form Fantasy)
Darkness Ends RPG (Medieval Fantasy Strategy)
Darkness Within (Horror Buffy vampire)
Dawn of Ages (Fantasy turnbased with heavy RP elements)
Decimated - A Post-Apocalyptic RPG (insanejournal, post-apoc, no zombies)
Deep Space Five (Star Trek)
Der Supermanager (pbem - soccer manager)
Deutscherbundestag (German Political Webbased Simulator)
Diamonds in the Dirt (DnD 3.5, Fantasy, Play by Post)
Dies the Fire - Ashes of California - Mature (Post Apocalypse, Medieval, Fantasy)
Diplomacy Ludomaniac (strategy diplomacy)
Dirt and Glory (Medieval fantasy)
Dolphin E-mail Leagues (sports simulation leagues (pro/college football, basketball, basketball, hockey; pro soccer))
Dragon Age: Absolution (fantasy, magic, based on, dragon age, templars)
Dragon Riders of Kreysthahl (Play by Post - Fantasy, Open-Ended, Role-Playing, Free)
Dragonlance Chronicles (Ad&d 2nd Editionn)
Dragonlords (Fantasy wargame)
Dreamland (Historical, Mystery, Science Fiction)
Dreamsheilds (Role-playing game)
DUNE: Wheels Within Wheels (DUNE: Science-Fiction Roleplaying Game)
Dungeoneer PBEM (free-form, fantasy, dungeon crawl)
Dynasty Football League (American football simulation)
Elcor Theatre - A Mass Effect PBeM FF-RPG (Space Opera, Mass Effect)
Electronic Knock Out (EKO) (Boxing Simulation)
Elenlond - Turn the Pages and Write Your Own Tale! (freeform fantasy)
Eleutheria (Ancient Greece RPG)
Empire (Fantasy Wargame)
Empires of 1914 (Abstract, historical, roleplaying nation sim.)
Empyrean Dynasty (space opera freeform strategy game)
Endless Gravestones - The Claymore RPG (Fantasy RPG)
Enlisted Sim - USS Persephone (star trek)
ES-02 (RPG PBP Sci-Fi Collaborative Story)
Eternia: Prologue (Fantasy ORPG)
ETO MANAGER (Extra Time Online) (Strategy Management Football Game)
EuroSim (EU Parliament sim)
Everaen (Fantasy)
Extra Time (sports)
Faerunrpg2 (D&D 3.5 )
Falhid (Medieval Fantasy)
Fantasy Congress (modern politics)
Fantasy Football Organisation (Soccer Management)
Fantasy Trek (PBEM/RPG/Text-Based MMORPG)
Fate of Millions (trun-based strategy wargame)
Feudal Lords (other) (Medieval turn-based PBM game)
FFO Manager (Fantasy Football)
Fighting Fantasy PBEM (Fantasy)
Football Reborn (Football Mangement)
Football-o-Rama (soccer manager)
For glory and gold. (D&D 3.5)
For King and Country (political simulation)
Forgotten Realms PBEM (Play By Email Game) (2nd edition AD&D - Fantasy RPG)
Formula 1 Pick 6 (Auto racing prediction contest)
Fractal - ruined world online (Posta Apocalyptic world online... just try to LIVE !)
Freaktown (Modern, Superhero, Mutant, Small town)
French Foreign Legion RPG (Modern Military RPG)
From The Kickoff (Soccer, Manager, Online,)
from the Lays of Emsdos (AD&D fantasy)
Future Balance of Power (Political Strategy Game)
Galac-Tac (space conquest 4X)
Galactic Warlords (space strategy wargame)
Gamma39 (Star Trek)
GangWar (Strategy)
GeoNations (Nation )
Ghoulies Ghosties and Beasties (Adult Fantasy)
Gladiator (fantasy hand-to-hand combat game)
Glofeyne (Fantasy)
Gloire et Pouvoir (fantasy wargame)
Gods of the Realm (D&D 4th Edition)
Grand Strategy (Strategy)
Great War PBEM yahoogroups (strategy PBEM)
Greycrusade (Greyhawk, Castles and Crusades.)
Grid-Iron (sports, american football, management)
Gridiron3 (American Football simulation)
Half-Breed's Citadel: An Adventure in the World of Colonnek (D&D 3.5 )
Hattrick (socce managment)
Haunted Revelries (Small Town Paranormal Mystery RP)
Heart of the West (Western)
Helios (modern paranormal thriller)
Helios book 2 (Superpowers, crisis management)
Heroville (Fighting tournaments)
Hidden Worlds (RPG)
High Adventure in the Inner Kingdoms (ad&d 1st edition pbem )
HM Government Simulation (Political Simulation, role playing, westminster, uk)
Htg: Hollywood The Game (Hollywood Simulation Game)
Hunt for Gollum (Fantasy, Book LOTR, )
In Off The Post (Soccer management)
In This Brutality (Post Apocalyptic Forum)
Independence Fleet: Star Trek RPG PBeM (Star Trek)
Infamous Days (WWII strategic wargame)
International Football Manager (sports, esms)
Internet Soccer Managers FA (soccer management)
IRW Rovaran (Romulan Sim, Star Trek Sim,Pegasus Fleet, Rovaran, Romulans, Star Trek)
Israeli Politics (Sim of Israeli government/Knesset - very realistic)
It's a Crime (UK Version) (Mafia type Play by Email game)
IWA (Create and Manage your Own Wrestler!!)
JMC Blue Dwarf (Space Opera)
Just a Fragment of You (Depression-Era RPG set in 1930s NYC)
King Arthur's Court (Tudor Era, Historical Forum RPG)
Kingdoms of Telgard (fantasy play by post)
League Of Nations (political Nation Simulator)
London Times (Victorian London historical rpg)
Lost in Sigil (fantasy, planescape, multiverse)
Loyalty Binds Us (Alternate History, Tudor-Era RPG)
Lyran Tal (Chat/Forum based fantasy)
Mage Phoenix (Mage Ascension)
Managerglory (Football manager game)
Mark of the Wyrm (D&D 3.5 edition Forgotten Realms)
Mass Effect: Return (space opera, sci-fi, roleplaying, mass effect)
Matchday Football Manager (Online football manager game)
Matrix Hockey (Hockey simulation)
MBST1 (puzzle, decypher)
Medieval Warlords (Historical strategic wargame)
Mega Hyper Galactic Conquest (MHGC) (Space conquest stategic wargame)
Midgard US (Fantasy, medieval wargame)
Midnight Star (Vampire RP)
Million Dollar Trail (Western)
Mizahar (fantasy roleplay forum)
Morrow Project IL-MRX- 1 (Mars/Recon) (post-apocalyptic pbem)
Morrow Project QP-11 (SPECIALTY QP-11) (post-apocalyptic pbem)
Morrow Project Recon CA-4 (post-apocalyptic pbem)
Morrow Project Recon Team A.G1 (post-apocalyptic pbem)
Mount Zenith (Survival Horror RPG)
Mystery & Magic Web Worlds (freeform role play)
Napoleonic Empires (Historical strategy wargame)
National Online Baseball League (Baseball Sim League)
Nations (Diplomacy,Nation-Sim, wargame)
NCC-1764 USS Defiant (Star Trek, scifi)
NCIS (Modern, Mystery, Web Based/SMS/Pbem)
NCW Wrestling (Wrestling E-federation.)
Need For Speed RPG (Racing RPG of the popular game)
New 1000 AD (Strategy)
New Columbia: Catalyst Chronicles (Metahuman PBEM)
New Foundation Tabletop Guild. Saga, DandD, MandM (Tabletop)
New Nations? (Pathfinder D&D)
New Secret Wars (Superhero, Multigenre, Marvel & DC, )
NeXus: 616 X-Men RPG (X-Men)
Non Stop Wrestling (E-Fed, Forum, Wrestling, Roleplay, WWE, TNA, Championships)
Nordic Football Manager (soccer, football)
OFWF: Storylines (Wrestling Game, using storylines to build up your character)
Ogame (Space strategy)
Online Baseball League (fantasy baseball)
Online Boxing Manager (boxing management simulation, boxing sports manager)
Online National Baseball League (fantasy baseball simulation league)
Ostrakism (roleplaying + diplomatic)
Outbreak (Pre-Zombie Apocalypse)
Palais de la Concorde (Politics, Star Trek)
Passing Through Twilight RPG (7th Year Canon Harry Potter)
Pathocrom (Strategic game of Gladiatorial Combat)
Phantasmech (cyberpunk role playing)
PinkBall (football manager game)
Pit of War (Gladitorial Combat)
Planescape: The Great Modron March (2ed) (Planescape, AD&D, 2nd Ed, PBeM)
Political Supremacy (Alternate History starting in 1980 in the mist of conflict. This is a turn based political strategy game where you run a appointed nation. )
Politics America (political simulation)
Politics Britain Sim (political simulation)
Politics Canada (Politics simulation.)
Politics Saskatchewan (simulation/role playing)
Politics Sim UK (uk politics, govenment)
Politics Twist UK (political, economic, role playing game, parliament, government)
Politics Twist USA (government, world leader, political, presidential)
Politics UK (Political simulation)
Possible Hero's (Fantasy RPG)
Post Apocalyptic Game - (No zombies) (Post-Apocalyptic)
Post Wars Greyhawk (Castles and Crusades, non-canon additions)
Power ranger Resurrectio (Space )
Power:UK Retro (British Political Simulation)
Premier empire (napoleonic wargame)
Pride of a Nation (Ancient Historical Role Play)
QFGC (high fantasy)
Qpawn Panterra (Modern, political wargame)
Quidam (free-form, open ended, fantasy, leaning mostly towards vampires and werewolves right now)
QWF (e-fed, e-wrestling, fantasy wrestling)
Radio Silence (Dystopian / Post-Apocalyptic RPG)
Ragnarok (wolf, sled dog, human)
Ravenloft: Virtue challenged (Fantasy horror)
Reality Check Wrestling (E-Wrestling)
Realm of Light (Wild pokemon fantasy game)
Red Dawn (War)
Remains (WWII RPG set in Occupied Guernsey)
Rise of the Runelords (Fantasy, D&D 3.5)
Rivers Run (18+ afterlife, low-fantasy, survival)
Riverstia (Fantasy Role Playing AD&D 3.5)
Robotech: 23rd Veritech Squadon (Robotech Space Opera)
Roman Legion (Historical RPG)
RPG Forums Online (Free form fantasy and message board based RPGs)
RPG Gathering (open-game multi-genre board)
Rugby League Breakout (sports)
Rule Australia (Australian Political Simulation)
Rule Britannia (Political Simulation)
Rum (Pathfinder)
Sabre Class - USS Cutlass (star trek, sci fi)
Saints Sleep (Medieval RPG)
Santa Monica FC Online (soccer manager)
Sauromatia 600 B.C. (3.5 ed. D&D )
Scottish Email Soccer League (SESL) (football, management)
Secrets of Dreywood (modern horror erotica)
Seiklon's Axel (Star Trek)
SESL soccer manager (online soccer manager )
Shadow Fleet - A Star Trek RPG (Star Trek )
Shadow's Rising (Fantasy, Middle Earth)
Shadowrun: Where The Circle Ends (Alternative Modern)
Shadows of Night (modern/savage horror)
Shogunate (Historical strategy wargame)
Simbusiness (Business simulation game)
Simsoc Web soccer (Multiplayer online soccer management)
Skygate (Superhero)
Skyland (fantasy medieval)
Smallville: Shadows of Future Present (Superhero, romance)
Smuggler's Blues (1920s crime roleplay)
Soccer Boss 2012 management forums (esms+) (ESMS+ Soccer Management)
Sovereign (D&D 3.5)
Space Conquest (Strategi, Wargame)
Space Wing: Void Patrol (space fighters dogfights)
SS Starfarer (Space Opera)
Star Fleet Frontier Academy (Star trek Academy)
Star Fleet Warlord (space campaign using star fleet battles background )
Star Trek Endeavor (Post-Nemesis role playing Simm on a Diligent Class Starship)
Star Trek Excalibur (NXD "Enterprise" Era Simm)
Star Trek: Borderlands (Star Trek)
Star Trek: Black Ops (PBeM based on Starfleet Intelligence)
Star Trek: Cardinal (Star Trek, Science Fiction, Space Drama, Adventure, Exploration)
Star Trek: Cassini - Starfleet Applied Sciences (Star Trek, Exploration, Science, Mystery)
Star Trek: Galileo - Starfleet Planetary Sciences (Star Trek, Science Specialty Sim, 18+)
Star Trek: Isoroku (Star Trek, space, play by post)
Star Trek: Renaissance (Star Trek, PBF)
Star Trek: Resurrection (A group of writers who enjoy the interactive environment of the online Star Trek simming-verse.)
Star Trek: The Saints of Infinity (Star Trek)
Star Trek: Theurgy (Play-by-Post Message Board RP)
Star Trek: Typhon {Pact (Star Trek)
Star Trek: USS Comet (Star Trek deep space exploration)
Star Trek: USS Dominator (Star Trek)
Star Trek: USS Valhalla (Star Trek)
Star Trek: USS Valkyrie (Star Trek, Sci Fi, Space Opera)
Star Trek: USS Vigilant (Star Trek Simm )
Star Trek: Vengeance (Space drama/opera based in the Star Trek universe. )
Star Wars: Commando (Star Wars Space Opera)
Star Wars: Knights of Coruscant (Star Wars)
Star Wars: The Aurus System (Star Wars Roleplaying Game)
Star Wars: The Great Jedi Purge (space opera)
Starbase 409: Koliada (Star Trek)
Starport: Galactic Empires (space online)
Stars and Stripes (us political simulation)
Starship Aeon (Star Trek...Rebellion...)
Starship Fawkes (Star Trek Roleplaying game)
Stellar Forces (sci-fi squad tactics)
Strange Normality (RPG and CCG Hybrid)
Strive for Power (Open-ended, fantasy rpg, computer moderated, tekstbased, browserbased)
Stumped (cricket management game)
Summer's Eve (Riddick/Pitch Black, Dark, Space, Future)
Superheroine Underworld (Tabletop,Superhero,Comics,Adult,Mutants and Masterminds)
Swiss Political Sim Style (Political Game)
Take Me to Church (Modern Real Life Las Vegas)
Tartarus (Internet robot war game)
Tauria 600 B.C.E. (3.5 ed. D&D in a Historical Setting with Fantasy, Myth, Legend, and Folklore)
TCR Games (PBEM RPG Games)
Temporal Station 1 (Star Trek, fantasy RPG)
The 'Verse or Something Like It (Firefly, space western, science fiction)
The 500 Baronies (Fantasy, RPG)
the Art of War (risk-like, web-based, contemporary moves wargame)
The Blades of Nyr (Ad&d 1st edition)
The Boxing Game (At The Boxing Game you can manage your own virtual fighters and prepare them for bouts against fighters from across the globe. Amateurs can play for free! )
The Campaign For All time (Fantasy)
The Carlyle Expedition (Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition)
The Caves of Doom (ADD 2nd Ed)
The Chosen City (Old World of Darkness)
The City of Stories (Modern/Contemporary/Super Hero)
The Collinwood Slayer (erotic horror)
The Day (Original, modern, Sci-fi, Superhero)
The Draft (Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, Romance RPG)
The Dugout (Rugby League Coaching Simulation)
The Dungeon Book (fantasy dungeon crawler )
The FMFA (ESMS Football Management Simulator)
The Forged (All Dwarf Pathfinder (D&D 3.75) Campaign)
The Glory of Rome (Political, Wargame, Historical Fiction/Fantasy)
The Honor Guard (Political Roleplaying)
The Island Frontier (Fantasy diplomatic civilisation style game)
The Last Island (Post-Apocalyptic, Survival RPG)
The Lost Generation (Historical 1920s UK Freeform RP)
The Lost Isle (Sci-fi, Prehistoric, Time Travel RPG)
The Masks Of Destiny Campaign! (D&D 3.5)
The Mazeworks (Cross genre multiversal adventuring )
The Murder Series (Panfandom/Multiverse RPs)
The Numbers Game (number guessing game)
The Other Side (Adult Horror Game)
The Porn Star Wars (free sex based online RPG)
The Renegades (Star Trek)
The Shadow Guardians (Pathfinder Campaign (D&D 3.75))
The Solace Campaign (Fantasy RPG)
The UK Your Way (Political simulation)
The Unlit World (3.5e Dungeons and Dragons)
The Xtreme Wrestling Alliance (Trivia Wrestling Company)
TMVL - The Maximum Volleyball League (volleyball, sports)
To Kill a King (Fantasy)
Torrausch (sport, manager, soccer, Torkontingent, fussballmanager, fantasy league, european leagues)
Total Destruction (wwe smackdown vs raw 2007 e-fed role-play and matches board just like wwe!)
Total Football Management (Football Simulation)
Tough Championship Wrestling (Wrestling E-Fed)
tough guy wrestling (TGW) (fantasy wrestling)
TourmanageR - DAS Radsport-Pbem (Cycle Sports Manager)
Tribes! It's 50,000 BC - Do you know where your kids are? (Tribal Social Game)
Tryn-Trava ( (fantasy funny wargame)
Twilight: Journey (fantasy)
UK Army Sim (Forum Based Military RPG)
UK Politics Sim (parliament, economics, role playing, government,)
United Nations Roleplay (international politics, diplomacy, simulation,)
United Simming Federation Alliance (star trek rpg, chat, pbem, message board)
United States of America Sim (Political Game, Government Simulation)
Universal Soccer (Soccer manager)
Unplottable, A Hogwarts Game (Based on Harry Potter)
UNS Babylon (space opera simm)
Urmlaspyr - high level ADandD RPG (Fantasy RPG/strategy)
US Colonial Marines (Science Fiction / Military)
USCM RPG (Sci Fi / Military themed)
USS Ahwatukee (Star Trek)
USS Alamo (Star Trek)
USS Archimedes (Star Trek)
USS Artemis - Prometheus Class (Star Trek RPG)
USS Athena (Star Trek)
USS Aurora (Star Trek)
USS Birger (Star Trek, Sci-Fi)
USS Black Hawk (Star Trek)
USS Blackhawk (Star Trek (RPG) PBeM/SMS based.)
USS Bunker Hill (Star Trek, Nova-based)
USS Centaurus (Star Trek)
USS Columbia (newer) (Star Trek )
USS Crazy Horse (Character-driven, Star Trek, Delta Quadrant)
USS Cross (Star Trek)
USS Delphinus (Star Trek)
USS Devonshire - BravoFleet Task Force 99 (star trek, role playing)
USS Discovery: Star Trek Borderlands (Star Trek Pbem RPG)
USS Dreadnought (Star Trek)
USS Eclipse (NOVA) (Star Trek sim played on the NOVA system)
USS Endeavor NCC-63202 (Star Trek RPG)
USS Endeavour Obsidian Fleet TF-72 (Space Opera, Character Driven, Story Focused, Collaborative)
USS Exeter - Semper Fidelis (Star Trek)
USS Fearless (Star Trek RPG)
USS Firebird (Star Trek)
USS Galaxy: The Next Generation (long-running Star Trek PBeM, rated R)
USS Ganymede (Star Trek)
USS Gladiator NCC 79818-C (Dark story line, Battles, character devlopment)
USS Harbinger (Bravo Fleet) (Star Trek)
USS Hawking (Star Trek RPG)
USS Hippocrates - Olympic Class (Star Trek)
USS Independence NCC-70401 (Star Trek)
USS Joshua Norton (Play by Nova Starfleet Intelligence Clan Ops Star Trek Sim)
USS Leviathan (Trek, RPG, Writing)
USS Lexington (Star Trek SMS,PBEM,RPG)
USS Lexington: An Alternate Universe Trek Sim (Star Trek)
USS Magellan (Galaxy-class) - The Federation is at a Crossroads (Star Trek role-play)
USS Majestic (Star Trek)
USS Malinche (Star Trek simm)
USS Merrimack - Secrets Untold (Star Trek SMS Simulation)
USS Missouri (Star Trek )
USS Molon Labe (Star Trek law enforcement)
USS Pennsylvania (Star Trek )
USS Pereiculum (Star Trek PbNova)
USS Persephone (Star Trek)
USS Renaissance (2) (Star Trek)
USS Rhea (Star Trek, Space Fantasy, Nova)
USS Sphinx (Star Trek, Mystery, Space Opera)
USS Steadfast (Star Trek (roleplay by email))
USS Stonewall Jackson (Star Trek RPG)
USS Talleyrand (Star Trek, space opera)
USS Ticonderoga (Star Trek)
USS Tigris (Star Trek writing RPG)
USS Vanguard (newer) (Star Trek)
USS Washington (Star Trek)
USS Wayfarer (Star Trek)
USS Xanadu: a Horizon Fleet Star Trek sim! (Post-Nemesis Star Trek sim)
USS Yellowstone (Star Trek)
USS Zeus NCC-80211-A (Star Trek, Nova)
V: The Saga (Science Fiction)
Vampire New Orleans (Vampire PBEM)
Vandread - The Aftermath (PBEM openended scifi roleplay)
Varisian Adventures (fantasy, RPG, Pathfinder rules)
Vexillium (World creation )
Vexxor (Cyberpunk Demon, Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic RPG)
Virtual Online Wrestling (Online wrestling)
Virtual WWE (Wrestling Sim)
WantonPleasuresRPG (adult fantasy)
WAR (Warriors of Apsolute Rage) (Mixed Martial Arts game)
War of Ages (Sci-fi/War)
War of Assassins (Dune based political intrigue)
War of Wizards (Strategy Fantasy Turn Based Game)
Warhammer Quest (Fantasy Boardgame)
Wastelands (Post-Apocalyptic)
WEBL - The Web Boxing League (Boxing )
Welcome to Kalopsia (Comedy, Science Fiction)
Werewolf: the Apocalypse - the Garou (modern horror/ World of Darkness)
Where in the World (and Time) is Martin Padway? (Roleplay, fiction, time travel)
Wildstorms Reborn (Superheroes )
Witching Hour Cafe (free-form, pbp, gothic fantasy, creative writing site)
Woldian Games (Pathfinder (DND 3.75))
World Championship Wrestling Federation (internet-based fantasy wrestling game)
World Class Wrestling Federation (Fantasy Professional Wrestling Game)
world club championships (fantasy football)
World Nations (Nation Building)
World of Olympians (percy jackson,text-based, danish, demigods)
World of Unseen Arts (RPG Website)
World Of Wrestling Returns (Wrestling Efed)
World Soccer League (Fantasy Football)
World Wrestling Xistence (wrestling e-fed)
Wraith Legion (Sci-Fi Wargame, Battletech)
Wrestling Shows Game (Wrestling promotion sim)
Wrestling Weekly (Technical skills)
Writing Partner Needed (Modern-day, Mystery, Spy-Thrillber)
WWE Internet (Wrestling Roleplaying game)
WWRPG (wrestling rpg)
Wyrldscape (fantasy role playing)
X-Men The Haven (School set in the Xmen animated universe )
X-Men: Avalon (Superhero)
X-Men: Awakenings (X-Men, moviebased)
X-Men: Crossroads (PbP X-Men, modern superhero)
XPG (Superhero PBem based on the first X-Men Movie )
Xtreme Golden Wrestling (Wrestling E-fed)
Your Dynasty (Historical RPG)
YourTurnMyTurn Online Boardgames (Board Games)
Zoccer (pbem soccer manager)
(18+) U.S.S. Elysium - NCC 89000 - TF47 Flagship (Star Trek Simulation) [ dead link ]
19th Century - War between the States (Historical MMORPG / Historical MMOSTG) [ dead link ]
2084 (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
2386: USS Gladiator (Star Trek based, drama, action) [ dead link ]
2nd Ed AD&D game: Sacred Scolls campaign (AD&D 1st or 2nd edition) [ dead link ]
9th Fleet Bat'Leth Competition (Interfleet Bat'Leth Competition) [ dead link ]
A Ballad of Westeros (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
A Nu Era in the Simming Universe of Trek! (star trek) [ dead link ]
A Republica das Bananas (political RPG) [ dead link ]
Abeir-Toril (Fantasy Play by Post) [ dead link ]
Absinthe (Victorian-Era RPG) [ dead link ]
Ac1ds0ld13r (Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Homebrew Setting) [ dead link ]
ACE FANTASY WRESTLING (Modern Sports) [ dead link ]
Active Fighting Club (Management Sport) [ dead link ]
Advance Australia Fair (Forum based Australian political sin) [ dead link ]
Adventurers of Renown: Ruins of Able-WyvernTM (ARRA) (fantasy, rpg, action) [ dead link ]
Adylheim (fantasy, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
Aegle Waygate (IRC text-based Medieval Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Aevum Obscurum (strategy, historical, empires in 1300 Europe, risk like) [ dead link ]
AFL Manager (Australian Rules Football team management simulation) [ dead link ]
After Alocer (supernatural apocalyptic urban fantasy) [ dead link ]
After Day (Play-by-Post Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Age of Intrigue (PBP alternate history) [ dead link ]
Alamaze (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
Alien Contamination (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
All Year Fantasy Football (Computer Simulated Fantasy Football) [ dead link ]
Alliance Fleet (Space opera) [ dead link ]
Alphabet City (Real Life Modern) [ dead link ]
Alternate 1939 (nation sim, historical, war game) [ dead link ]
Anarchy in Anuire: A Birthright PBeM (fantasy rpg game) [ dead link ]
Angel, the Rapture (modern, gothic, world of darkness) [ dead link ]
Angelic Sins (Fantasy horror) [ dead link ]
Annon Mor / RotD / C A L U S I A (AD&D 2nd ed., classic campaign line leading to the creation of the genre) [ dead link ]
Anubis Scripts (Play by Post) [ dead link ]
ANZAC Pro Wrestling (wrestling, sports, efed wrestling) [ dead link ]
Apollo Station (Space opera) [ dead link ]
Arc Survivors (Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Archipel (corsair wargame) [ dead link ]
Arena of Doom RPG PbA (Fantasy game with a hint of Roman Mythology) [ dead link ]
ARENA OF DOOM! (medieval fantasy strategy game) [ dead link ]
Ars Regendi (Nation-building game) [ dead link ]
Auruma (political simulation) [ dead link ]
AustGov (Political Simulation) [ dead link ]
Austron (Fantasy (D&D 5e-ish)) [ dead link ]
Avada Kedavra (RPG, forum, harry potter, fantasy, alternate universe) [ dead link ]
Avalon (Fantasy, Medieval) [ dead link ]
Axis and Allies (WWII wargame) [ dead link ]
Axis&Allies/ WaW/ Europe/ Pacific (New free Axis&Allies PBEM platform available) [ dead link ]
B-17 Queen of the Skies - 509th Bomb Group (Wargame) [ dead link ]
Bananenflanke: Der Fussballmanager (football manager game) [ dead link ]
Barbarians at the Gate (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
Basic Fantasy RPG - Marketstone Campaign (Fantasy PBeM using Basic Fantasy RPG ruleset) [ dead link ]
Basilisk Colony (RPG, PBEM) [ dead link ]
Battle Master (medieval wargame) [ dead link ]
Battlestar Chimaera (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Battlestar Hercules (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Battlestar Megaera (space and post-apocalyptic game) [ dead link ]
Battlestar Omega (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Battlestar Valfreyja (Space Opera, Sci-fi, Action) [ dead link ]
Battletech - Hellstorm Hussars (Future Mecha Wargame) [ dead link ]
BC304 Agincourt (Science Fiction, alternate timeline) [ dead link ]
Bellow's Fog (post-apocalyptic, play-by-post, cyber-punk) [ dead link ]
Birthright - Hrvatski (fantasy ştrategic adventure) [ dead link ]
Blood Pit (Gladiatorial Combat) [ dead link ]
BOTN (Free soccer football management game) [ dead link ]
Bravo Fleet's Striker! (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Bravofleet USS AJAX (star trek) [ dead link ]
British Government Sim (uk political simulation) [ dead link ]
Brutal Wrestling Action: Total Nonstop Entertainment. (online interactice wrestling efed, better than other efeds.) [ dead link ]
Burlington by Night (Vampire the Masquerade LARP) [ dead link ]
Call of Cthulhu (Horror) [ dead link ]
Camp Kovar (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
Cantr II (Society simulator) [ dead link ]
Capes and Criminals (Superhero) [ dead link ]
Capitol Hill v. 3.0 (US government political simulation) [ dead link ]
CARD-AT, USS Telesto (Star Trek PBEM) [ dead link ]
Carnwennan Station (star trek) [ dead link ]
Casting Call (Movie Making) [ dead link ]
Cause & Effect (Fantasy, Fey, Sidhe) [ dead link ]
Celestial Prime Alliance (online role playing group ) [ dead link ]
Celtic Pride (fantasy medieval) [ dead link ]
CEW - Championship Electronic Wrestling (E-Fed (Fantasy Wrestling)) [ dead link ]
CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE PBEM (football) [ dead link ]
Chaos Destiny (alt earth fantasy/sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Children of the Dragon (MASSIVE saga and back history, well established, loosly Dragonball/Animie based) [ dead link ]
Chronicles of Gaea (Fantasy steampunk modern scifi world-building) [ dead link ]
Chronicles of Indur (fantasy, play by post, desert, medieval, ) [ dead link ]
Civil War OnLine (U.S. Civil War Wargame) [ dead link ]
CoC 5.6 Signum Crocinus and the Paintings of Francisco Goya (Horror (Call of Cthulhu)) [ dead link ]
Code Name: Desert Hunt (Writing intensive futuristic RPG with two opposing sides.) [ dead link ]
Code Red: Lost Ages (science fiction, action, mystery) [ dead link ]
Corinthia (Fantasy, adventure) [ dead link ]
Courage Calls Us! (Historical) [ dead link ]
Creatures of the Night (fantasy, wargame) [ dead link ]
Crime RPG (modern criminal RPG) [ dead link ]
Crossroads Freeform RPG (Fantasy Freeform) [ dead link ]
Curse of Strahd (fantasy) [ dead link ]
Cyborn (RPG in a persistant world) [ dead link ]
CZWF - COmbat Zone Wrestlin Federation (fantasy wrestling) [ dead link ]
D&D Play-By-Comment Blog Game (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Dangerous Bloody Wrestling (Wrestling Efed) [ dead link ]
Dark Age (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
Dark Commonwealth (Single-character fantasy narrative ) [ dead link ]
Dark Falls (freeform horror pbem) [ dead link ]
Dark Frontiers (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Dark Pretenses (supernatural horror fantasy vampire witch shapeshifter) [ dead link ]
Dawn - Birthright PBeM (fantacy, role-play, wargame, diplomacy, strategy) [ dead link ]
DBZ RPG (Freeplay, game, forum) [ dead link ]
DDC Games - Naruto Roleplaying (Play by Post Roleplaying) [ dead link ]
Dead Planet (Modern Horror) [ dead link ]
Deadly and Alone (Medieval Browser game) [ dead link ]
Deep Space 7 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Deep Space Three (Star Trek, Space Station) [ dead link ]
Diversity Fleet (star trek, star wars, rpg, chatroom, pbmb, sim) [ dead link ]
Domination (strategy) [ dead link ]
Drachen Saga (Dungeons & Dragons ) [ dead link ]
Dracus Rising: A Dungeons & Dragons Game (D&D play by post game.) [ dead link ]
Dragon Ball Z/ Shenron (Free/AWSOME!!!/Power to the Players/PL/Shenron) [ dead link ]
DRAGON QUEST (Dungeon & Dragons Style (but easier)) [ dead link ]
Dragonlords! Fantasy Wargame (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
DREAD WOLF (dragon age + panfandom) [ dead link ]
Duality (Non-system specific role playing email sim) [ dead link ]
Dune PBeM (Fantasy/Sci-Fi Wargame) [ dead link ]
Dungeon and Dragons 3.5 (Medieval Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Dungeon and Dragons 3.5 Campaigns (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Dungeons and Dragons Solo Campaign (D&D 5.0) [ dead link ]
Dutch Electronic Soccer LEAGUE (email soccer game) [ dead link ]
e-Sim (free, massive, multiplayer, social browser game ) [ dead link ]
Earth Abides (Post Holocaus (Disease), Opera, Society Building) [ dead link ]
Earthdawn (Dungeon & Dragons) [ dead link ]
Elite Warzone Entertainment (Wrestling Game) [ dead link ]
Elysium, City of the Damned (World of Darkness chronicle) [ dead link ]
Emergency Theater Live (paramedic/firefighter role play based on Emergency, the1970's TV series) [ dead link ]
Empire Forge (free fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
Empire of the Alexandrians (Government Simulation) [ dead link ]
Empires (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
Empires at War 1805 (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
End of Empires (alternate history world war 2 game) [ dead link ]
EPIC D20 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Gaming Group (Play-By-Post, AD&D, Fantasy) [ dead link ]
ESL MANAGER (ESMS Football Manager Games) [ dead link ]
ESMS-Elite (online soccer management) [ dead link ]
eTapout (mixed-martial arts fighting simulation) [ dead link ]
Euroball (Soccer, football) [ dead link ]
Evereras (High Medieval Fantasy Text-Based Story-Driven RPG) [ dead link ]
EverWood Races (fantasy horse-racing sim) [ dead link ]
Evolution Athens RPG (Free Browser Based RPG) [ dead link ]
Expedition Flight (Nu Trek / Original Series) [ dead link ]
Fall of Rome (historical web-based computer moderated wargame) [ dead link ]
Fallen Race (DnD 3.5) (adult fantasy) [ dead link ]
Fallout:Ghoul Britannia (post-apocalyptic collaborative play-by-post) [ dead link ]
fantasy football commissioner (fantasy ) [ dead link ]
Fantasy Football Federation (esms) [ dead link ]
Fate of the Known Worlds II (Space Opera Wargame geo-politcal strategy) [ dead link ]
Fate of the Known Worlds III (Space Opera, Wargame) [ dead link ]
FDream online football manager (sport) [ dead link ]
Federation Space (Star Trek PBF RPG) [ dead link ]
Federation Space RPG (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Feudallords (Medieval wargame with lots of diplomacy) [ dead link ]
Filthy Empire (Post Apocalyptic, Wasteland/Powers RPG) [ dead link ]
Fireflt - On the Raggedy Edge (Sci-Fi/Western) [ dead link ]
FLASHES BEFORE YOUR EYES (Cinematic action espionage) [ dead link ]
FMFA ESMS Resource Center (ESMS Resource Center) [ dead link ]
Football Champions Reloaded (Online Football Management game) [ dead link ]
Football Super League (esms) [ dead link ]
Football Superstars (Football Manager MMO Game) [ dead link ]
FootballGlory (Online football (soccer) management game) [ dead link ]
Footie Manager (real-time web based soccer manager simulation game) [ dead link ]
For King and Country (other) (Medieval Role Playing Game) [ dead link ]
For The Love Of A Goddess (Romance, Adventure, Adult, Comedy) [ dead link ]
Foralia RPG - Original Fantasy Political Drama (PBEM, Fantasy, Political, Drama, Original) [ dead link ]
Forever Canada (Modern Era Canadian Political Simulation) [ dead link ]
From the Ashes of Old (Post-apocalyptic) [ dead link ]
From The Pavilion (Strategy Sports) [ dead link ]
FTK: From The Kickoff (ESMS Football Management Game) [ dead link ]
FUEL Basketball manager (basketball manager) [ dead link ]
Futility's End: Enterprise (space opera) [ dead link ]
Futility's End: Temporal Investigations (Star Trek PBF) [ dead link ]
Galactic Conquest (space opera nation builder) [ dead link ]
Galaxy PLUS (diplomatic sf wargame, free, strategy, most popular PBeM game in Russia) [ dead link ]
GDA RPG (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Genome: Legacy of Mutation (modern, play by post) [ dead link ]
GI Soccer (football, roleplay, sports) [ dead link ]
Global Combat (Strategic wargame) [ dead link ]
Global Diplomacy (other) (Modern Strategy) [ dead link ]
Global Wrestling Alliance (Fantasy Wrestling in a live chat room setting) [ dead link ]
Goaaal.. ESMS Soccer Management (soccer management) [ dead link ]
Golden Age of Sail (Historic, Naval, Sail) [ dead link ]
Gondor, Battle of the Lost Realms (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
Gone West 1870 (Western) [ dead link ]
Grand Prix Racing Online (Free Formula 1 Management Game) [ dead link ]
Grave Times (Survival Horror) [ dead link ]
Graviton University (free form, open ended, cross genre anime RPG) [ dead link ]
Gray RPG (open-ended, forum, crime, RPG) [ dead link ]
Green Dragon Adventure (Fantasy Strategy Play by Post Game) [ dead link ]
Green Dragon Adventures (2) (solo fantasy rpg game for the busy individual) [ dead link ]
Green Dragon Adventures RPG (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Gridiron Stats (American Football) (Sports Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Guild Adventures (Online Fantasy Board Game Live) [ dead link ]
Hardy Army (WWII resistance roleplay) [ dead link ]
Harper's Haven (Soap Opera) [ dead link ]
Harrison County Government Sim Game (Government, Sim, Online) [ dead link ]
Hatikvah (Modern Israeli Political Simulation) [ dead link ]
Heaven's Gate - Starbase 73 (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Heroes of Thedas (Narrative Role-Playing Based On The Dragon Age Setting) [ dead link ]
Hexem II (Very simple wargame) [ dead link ]
Hivewars (Exploration Wargame) [ dead link ]
Horizon Fleet - USS Sentinel (Star Trek, Cumulative Writing) [ dead link ]
Hybrid Realms (fantasy RPG, chat, forums) [ dead link ]
I.R. Spectre - StarTrek RPG (space opera, fantasy, start trek pbem) [ dead link ]
I6 Ravenloft (AD&D) [ dead link ]
Ich Dien (historical play-by-post) [ dead link ]
ICONS: What will you become? (Super Hero) [ dead link ]
IFL-International Football League (football, american) [ dead link ]
ifootballmanager (fantasy football management simulation) [ dead link ]
Ilkor: Dark Rising (Fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
Imaginary Championship Wrestling (ICW Wrestling) (play by mail wrestling) [ dead link ]
IMMAF Mixed Martial Arts E-Fed (MMA E-fed) [ dead link ]
Imperium (medieval war mmorpg) [ dead link ]
Influences (online adaptation of the trading card game VAMPIRE.TES) [ dead link ]
Inter-Universal Diplomacy RPG (free-form, open-ended, sci-fi, diplomacy, Play-by-forum) [ dead link ]
International Championship of Fantasy Fotball (Online football manager game) [ dead link ]
International Football Federation (ESMS league) [ dead link ]
International Football League (american football simulation) [ dead link ]
International Interactive Rugby League (Sports Free Rugby League) [ dead link ]
IR Spectre (Startrek RPG) [ dead link ]
IRC Rugby Manager (sports simulation, rugby management) [ dead link ]
Irish Political Sim (Irish political simulation) [ dead link ]
Ironlands (fantasy roleplaying) [ dead link ]
Jersey Justice: A Superhero RPG (Superhero) [ dead link ]
Kepler Station (Nova, Star Trek, Character driven) [ dead link ]
Keystone Fleet (scifi) [ dead link ]
King of Kings: Albion II (Arthurian Britain scenario wargame) [ dead link ]
Kingdoms of Arcania (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
Kosmor - Forces of the Galaxies (space trade diplomacy and warfare) [ dead link ]
L'univers du Flow (fantasy) [ dead link ]
La Conquete Du Monde (Play by Email Pro Wrestling Game) [ dead link ]
Lancer Fleet (Star Trek, Wargame) [ dead link ]
Langley Station - Starbase 65 (A PBB Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
LCNA (Crime RPG) [ dead link ]
LeBR3 - Birthright (Fantasy RPG/wargame) [ dead link ]
Legacies Of Thorn (Political Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Legend of the Green Dragon (simple fantasy semi-RPG) [ dead link ]
Liga Manager Virtual (manager, league, football, free, online, email, forum) [ dead link ]
Living Mercenaries (Palladium game System (Megaversal)) [ dead link ]
Lords of Theeurth (Large scale fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
Lost and Found (Fantasy Play by Post) [ dead link ]
Magic Wars (Original fantasy, anime-style set in present time earth) [ dead link ]
Maneuver Drive (Space Opera Traveller ) [ dead link ]
Marvel Superheroes TSR - Cosmic (Superhero) [ dead link ]
Mass Effect: Horizon (Space opera) [ dead link ]
Masters of The Mat (Pro Wrestling MMORPG) [ dead link ]
Mavros Weyr (Canon Dragonriders of Pern) [ dead link ]
Mazes and Minotaurs RPG PbA (Greek Mythological Game) [ dead link ]
Merchant Raider 4.3 (feudal empires at sea) [ dead link ]
Michigan Marvels - Save the City or Stay at Prom? (Superhero ) [ dead link ]
Middgeard - An Atlantis 5.2.0 Game (Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
Midgard Expedition (Stargate) [ dead link ]
MilwaukeeJoe's Grind4E Play-By-Blog (Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition) [ dead link ]
Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter, Play By Post) [ dead link ]
Missouri (General SciFi, Star Trek platform) [ dead link ]
MORASHITAR (Sword & Sorcery) [ dead link ]
Morne Plaine (Napoleonian wargame) [ dead link ]
MYR CXLIV (Cross-genre with fantasy feel.) [ dead link ]
Naruto D20 The New Era (Naruto PBP) [ dead link ]
Naruto D20: Cursed (fantasy naruto d20) [ dead link ]
NetNations (Modern, Political Simulator) [ dead link ]
New Blood Wrestling Federation (Wrestling e-fed) [ dead link ]
New Era of Star Trek (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
New London (Urban Fantasy) [ dead link ]
New Origins (Superhero, fiction) [ dead link ]
New Worlds Project (Original science-fiction, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
NGL Opportunity (Civilian Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Night Walkers (Future Fantasy Game with Supernatural Creatures) [ dead link ]
Night's Master (1st Ed AD&D) [ dead link ]
Nightfall Toronto (world of darkness) [ dead link ]
Nim International (nation, simulator, simulation, wargame, cold war) [ dead link ]
Nocturnal Reverie (Medevil, Fantasy, Play by Post) [ dead link ]
North American Fighting Council (MMA) [ dead link ]
Nova Lux (Sci-Fi) [ dead link ]
Oberon Base (StarTrek, Planetary Base, Research Station, TNG, play by Nova) [ dead link ]
Obsidian Arena (Gladiator) [ dead link ]
Obsidian Fleet (Star Trek ) [ dead link ]
Obsidian Fleet's USS Relentless (Star Trek based SIMM) [ dead link ]
Oceania Wrestling Association OWA (Fantasy Wrestling) [ dead link ]
Olmec Football Manager (soccer, web-based, free) [ dead link ]
Omega 7 (scifi, action adventure, comedy) [ dead link ]
One Minute Ago (Harry Potter, adult, fantasy, magic) [ dead link ]
Online Blind Sniper (Man to Man Double Blind Wargame) [ dead link ]
Online Cricket League (Sports, Cricket, PBEM) [ dead link ]
Online Turnbased Wargame (OTWG) (Online wargame, multi settings, fully customisable) [ dead link ]
onlinefrontlines (Modern war turn based) [ dead link ]
Open Ended Adventure Game (Freely Editable Choose-Your-Own Adventure style Game) [ dead link ]
Origins of World War II (AH) (Political/Strategic) [ dead link ]
Orleans En Garde PBEM game (En Garde. Role Play in 17th century France.) [ dead link ]
Ouroboros (Sci-Fi Exploration) [ dead link ]
Outpost (Futuristic) [ dead link ]
Ovalie (rugby union simulation) [ dead link ]
Paradax Colony (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
PARANOIA Live (Dystopian, Humourous, Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Passion and Prosperity (historical, regency period) [ dead link ]
Passionate About Football (ESMS Management Simulation) [ dead link ]
Pathfinder (Medieval Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Pathfinder (Roleplay, Fantasy, Homebrewed) [ dead link ]
PBEM Cricket (Sports, Cricket) [ dead link ]
PBEMFRPG for Game Directors (Fantasy Role-playing Game SYSTEM) [ dead link ]
Pegasus Fleet (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
Peleton (Online cycling manager game) [ dead link ]
Pendragon Campaign (Legend of Excalibur times) [ dead link ]
Per Annum: The Circle of Time (fantasy, medieval, science fiction, modern) [ dead link ]
Phoenix Fleet (PbE, RPG, Fleet, Multi Genre) [ dead link ]
Phoenyx Fantasy Lexicon (Fantasy lexicon quasi-roleplaying game) [ dead link ]
Photo Finish (fantasy horse racing) [ dead link ]
Play by Posting (All kinds) [ dead link ]
Playasport Basketball Simulation (Sports Simulation) [ dead link ]
PLAYtoSOR (Be the best e-truchmuche producer) [ dead link ]
Polireland (Modern era Irish political simulation) [ dead link ]
POLITICS IRELAND (Politics, Historical, Roleplaying) [ dead link ]
Politics Ireland (Politics, roleplaying, historical) [ dead link ]
Politics USA (Political Game, similar to Politics UK) [ dead link ]
Politics USSR (Political government simulation) [ dead link ]
Pools of Imagination (Adult, freeform rpg and message board) [ dead link ]
Port Lussuria - World of Darkness (World of Darkness 3rd Edition - Vampire, wraith, mortal, and kote) [ dead link ]
Power of Nations (World Simulator) [ dead link ]
Power Parliament (Political Sim) [ dead link ]
Precinct 49 (Police Simm, Modern, Adult) [ dead link ]
Pro Soccer Simulator (Soccer management) [ dead link ]
Project: Eradicate (Low Powered Super Hero) [ dead link ]
Purebloods Only (Harry Potter/Marauder Era) [ dead link ]
Qpawn Ireland (Politics, Government, Sim, Politician, Forum. Election, bills) [ dead link ]
Qpawn UK (UK government simulation) [ dead link ]
Qpawn- World Leader Simulator (World leader and politics and war) [ dead link ]
Quest for Arrakis II (Dune AU) [ dead link ]
Quicksilver Fleet (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
Raider (War at Sea) [ dead link ]
Ramath-lehi (Fantasy, futuristic, play-by-post, free form, pendragons) [ dead link ]
Raw Valence (steam punk, apocalyptic, modern, war, high fantasy) [ dead link ]
RealHockeyManager (Sport, Icehockey.) [ dead link ]
Red Raven Alpha (Prision scyfi survival) [ dead link ]
Redemption: MnM 3e (superhero) [ dead link ]
Remnant Core (Free-form Steampunk Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Remnants of an Empire (Forum Roleplay) [ dead link ]
Renaissance online (historical) [ dead link ]
Res Publica 133BC (historical political simulation) [ dead link ]
Ribenheim (fantasy, RPG, epic) [ dead link ]
Rifts New West (Sci-fi PBEM) [ dead link ]
Right on Track (alaska, wolf, sled dog, human) [ dead link ]
Ringill (Original fantasy RPG, free form) [ dead link ]
Rise and Fall (Strategic Roman Empire v. Barbarians) [ dead link ]
Rising Empires (medieval nation building) [ dead link ]
Robotech: Dawn of Macross (Robotech, Space Opera, Sci-Fi) [ dead link ]
Rogue Spy (spy theme) [ dead link ]
Roma (Historical) [ dead link ]
Roman Imperium (Roman political game) [ dead link ]
Rondak's Portal (over 300 games of various types) [ dead link ]
Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg (Micronation) [ dead link ]
Royal Kingdoms (medieval strategy game) [ dead link ]
RPG Center (any) [ dead link ]
RPG Freak (PBP RPG) [ dead link ]
RSW (Science fiction simulation) [ dead link ]
Rugby League Coach with LastTackle.com (Free rugby league coaching simulator) [ dead link ]
Rugby League Stats (Sports Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Rugby Union Stats (Sports Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Sabre Base (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Saiyajin Elite DBZ RPG (turn based text style DBZ RPG) [ dead link ]
Salroth Ages (Semi-Freeform fantasy timetravel) [ dead link ]
Sanctuary Football League (Soccer) [ dead link ]
Saturday at 3pm (ESMS League) [ dead link ]
Scarlor: There will be blood (Ad&d 1st edition) [ dead link ]
School of Hard Knox (MMA SIM LEAGUE) [ dead link ]
SCOURGE (Apocalyptic, vampire, human, canine, equine, RPG) [ dead link ]
Section 47 (Star Trek PBeM RPG) [ dead link ]
Sector 29 (Star trek) [ dead link ]
Sector-001 Star Trek RPG (Star Trek - Nova SMS) [ dead link ]
SES S'Task (PBEM RPG) [ dead link ]
Seven Descending (horror-fantasy, fiction, modern, seven deadly sins) [ dead link ]
SFLSL (Football/Soccer) [ dead link ]
Shadow Adventures (Fantasy RPG, Dungeons & Dragons) [ dead link ]
Shadow Hills (reality, open-ended, celebrity life, real life instances) [ dead link ]
Shadows of the High Plains (Western) [ dead link ]
Shelf Space (based-on, book, comic, gang, forum-based, rpg) [ dead link ]
Shootclub Fantasy Wrestling (Fantasy Wrestling) [ dead link ]
Sierra Falls Police Department (freeform modern police pbem) [ dead link ]
Silence and Whispers - Turin by Night (Vampire: the Masquerade) [ dead link ]
Sim Game (Business Simulation) [ dead link ]
Simm (Play by SMS) (star trek, simming, writing) [ dead link ]
Simuland.net (Firm simulation game) [ dead link ]
Sinari (Fantasy/Steampunk, FFRP, IRC) [ dead link ]
Siren Fleet (Star Trek, Scifi) [ dead link ]
SLA Stargate Command (Stargate SG1 RPG) [ dead link ]
Slainte Mhath (Urban Fantasy Collaborative Fiction) [ dead link ]
Slamdunk (Basketball) (Sports Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Small Town, Big Dreams (Modern day, Real Life, Rodeo) [ dead link ]
Soccer Locker (Free ESMS Football management) [ dead link ]
soccer management (sport) [ dead link ]
Soccergame.de - Fussball Pbem (Fussball-Tippspiel) [ dead link ]
SOS Soccer Manager (Football (soccer), free, web-based) [ dead link ]
Spaceplan (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Spaeculum (unique fantasy) [ dead link ]
Sparkling Creek Valley (original, animal, wolf, human, semi-realistic ) [ dead link ]
Spartacus (arena fights in the roman empire) [ dead link ]
Spartacus Ultima (gladiator game, web-based, multilingual) [ dead link ]
Spartan RPG (Halo based RPG) [ dead link ]
Spirit of '77 (Alternate reality) [ dead link ]
SPQR - Senatus Populusque Romanus (Roman Republic simulation) [ dead link ]
SS Mary Rose (Star trek, space opera, ) [ dead link ]
SS Scimitar (Naova Based) [ dead link ]
SS Stormbreaker (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
SSV Midway, a Mass Effect RPG (Mass Effect RPG) [ dead link ]
St. Lawrence (Soap Opera) [ dead link ]
Stairway to Heaven (Vampire the Masquerade) [ dead link ]
Star Clans Choice (Warriors roleplay with powers) [ dead link ]
Star EnGarde 3 - A New Beginning (Space Engarde varient) [ dead link ]
Star Frontiers: Mercenary (Science Fiction Roleplay) [ dead link ]
Star Saga (space roleplaying game) [ dead link ]
Star Tactics (space opera, wargame) [ dead link ]
Star Tactics, la saga des etoiles (space opera, wargame) [ dead link ]
Star Trek - Bravo Fleet - USS Adelaide (Star Trek Play by Nova) [ dead link ]
Star Trek - USS Orion (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Star Trek Excelsior (Star Trek, PBEM) [ dead link ]
Star Trek Fleet Simulator (Star Trek PBB Fleet Simulation RPG) [ dead link ]
Star Trek Horizons (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Star Trek Pacifica (Star Trek, Sci Fi, Play by Nova) [ dead link ]
Star Trek SS Dark Matter (Space Sci fi, wargame, role play, ) [ dead link ]
Star Trek Strategy PBeM (space strategy wargame) [ dead link ]
Star Trek..... U.S.S Constellation..... NCC-1755....Delta Eta Fleet (Space) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Palatine (Space opera, adventure, star trek) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Challenger (Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Dark Frontiers (Star Trek RP) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Defiant (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Discovery (Play by post (forum) Trek game) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Echoes (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Excelsior (Star Trek space opera) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: First Fleet (Star Trek play by post game) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: New Frontier (Space opera/PBF) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Odyssey (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Outpost Gamma (Star Trek Message Board Sim) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Sanctuary (Star Trek, RPG) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Tesla (soace opera, star trek) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: The Fifth Fleet (space opera, Star Trek, rpg, play by nova, pbem) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Triton (space opera) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: U.S.S. Victory-A RPG (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Cerberus (trek game set in the dominion war) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Harbinger [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Hartington (Star Trek Simulation) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Pioneer (Star Trek Play by Web, Nova System) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS PYTHEAS (star trek pbsms) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Ranger (Star Trek Action/Adventure , Movie Era Sim) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Tethys (space opera, star trek, sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: USS Victory (star ttek, sci-fi, space opera) [ dead link ]
Star Trek: Vanguard (star trek) [ dead link ]
Star Wars Empire - Officiers de l'Empire (Jeu de role par email univers starwars) [ dead link ]
Star Wars Notes (Star Wars) [ dead link ]
STAR WARS OLD REPUBLIC (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
Star Wars PBeM (Science Fiction/Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Star Wars Rogue Moon (Star Wars Rebellion Era Roleplay) [ dead link ]
Star Wars: A Fading Hope (star wars saga edition) [ dead link ]
Star Wars: May the Force (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Star Wars: Resurgence (space opera, mystery, thriller, adventure. ) [ dead link ]
Star Wars: Return to the Old Republic (Star Wars Roleplay Story-Writing Epic) [ dead link ]
Star Wars: Unforeseen Destiny (Bulletin Board Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Star-Fleet.com (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Starbase 242 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Starbase 400 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Starbase 80 (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
Starbase Bravo (Star Trek, 2387 era) [ dead link ]
Starbase Dragonstar, a Star Trek Sci Fi Play by Post RPG (star trek, sci fi) [ dead link ]
Starbase Horizon II (Star Trek PBEM RPG) [ dead link ]
Starbase New Angel (PBP freeform RPG) [ dead link ]
Starbase Olympus (Star Trek Simm ) [ dead link ]
Starbase Pinnacle (star trek, pbem) [ dead link ]
Starbase Pinnacle (II) (star trek) [ dead link ]
Starbase Prime (Star Trek Role playing) [ dead link ]
Starbase Sabre (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Stargate Command (SG-1 themed game) [ dead link ]
Stargate Horizon (Space Adventure in the Stargate genre) [ dead link ]
Stargate Midgard (Stargate) [ dead link ]
Stargate SG9 (Stargate Sim/RPG) [ dead link ]
Stargate: Midgard Base (Sci Fi) [ dead link ]
Stargate: SG-7 (stargate) [ dead link ]
Stargate: SGT-5 (Stargate sim, adventure/military) [ dead link ]
Stargate: SGT-7 (Space, Stargate) [ dead link ]
Stargate: The Next Generation (Stargate, space, war, ships, future, exploration, forum) [ dead link ]
Starrcadia Cage Fighting (MMA Roleplay/Simulation) [ dead link ]
Starship Providence (Star Trek RPG Simulation) [ dead link ]
Starship Troopers: The 2nd Fleet (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Startrek 2390 (online rpg simm) [ dead link ]
Startrek: Rebirth (Space Opera, Wargame, Strategic, Geo-Political) [ dead link ]
Stone Token (D&D 3.5) [ dead link ]
Stonehythe (fantasy, medieval) [ dead link ]
Sunday Night Football PBEM (Football Management) [ dead link ]
Supernatural - End of the Road (Fandom, Supernatural TV Show) [ dead link ]
Supreme FC (Mixed Martial Arts) [ dead link ]
Surrender (gothic fantasy) [ dead link ]
Survival Of The Horniest (Fantasy, D&D 3.5, Adult, Sexual / Erotic Themes Allowed, Sandbox Game) [ dead link ]
Surviving Mars (Sci-Fi Survival) [ dead link ]
Survivors (post-apocalyptic, survival, modern ) [ dead link ]
SwordLands PBeM (Medieval Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
Tabula Rasa (Super Heros from Another World Visiting Earth) [ dead link ]
Tactical Soccer (soccer manager) [ dead link ]
Task Force 17 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Task Force 19 - Independent, Omega Fleet Online (sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Task Force 47: Exploration Has No Borders (Star Trek, Space Operas) [ dead link ]
Task Force 6 (star trek rpg) [ dead link ]
Task Force 9 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Task Force 93, CO Opportunities (star trek simulations) [ dead link ]
Task Force Gamma (Forum base simm) [ dead link ]
Task Group Legacy (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
TATT Online (Play By Mail Football Game (online)) [ dead link ]
TavernLore (Beta Test #1) (Fantasy MMORPG, PBEM/Forum, ORG combined!) [ dead link ]
TCW Fantasy Wrestling (Play By mail wrestling league) [ dead link ]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (fantasy/comic) [ dead link ]
Tenderness of the Heart (Regency-Era, Historical RPG) [ dead link ]
Tenka Fubu (Politically Centered Prose Heavy 3.0/3.5 Oriental Adventures) [ dead link ]
TennisJPEM (sports french tennis) [ dead link ]
Terminator: No Fate (sci fi, modern) [ dead link ]
Terra Online (Economical Geo-political Eame) [ dead link ]
Thar Shaddin (freeform, message board, pbp, fantasy) [ dead link ]
That Movie Game (Hollywood Simulation Game) [ dead link ]
The August Engine (D&D 4E with Steampunk Influence) [ dead link ]
The Battle For Los Angeles (Old World of Darkness VtM) [ dead link ]
The Blood Queen - Crimson Demise (Vampire, Post-Apoctlyptic) [ dead link ]
The City, After (Post Apocalyptic Fantasy Game) [ dead link ]
The Collective Isles (Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
The Conquistadors (Super Hero Opera) [ dead link ]
The Dawn OF time (BB Rpg) [ dead link ]
The Elder Scrolls: Brotherhood (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
The Fantastic Ethereal Roleplaying Board (Cross-Genre, Time Travelling Extravaganza) [ dead link ]
The Faust Chronicles (collaborative horror story) [ dead link ]
The Federation Role Playing Game (Star Trek, creative writing) [ dead link ]
The Five Boroughs (New York City Council Political Game) [ dead link ]
The Free City of Greyhawk (fanasty roleplaying) [ dead link ]
The Gilded Cage (historical, post-Civil War, Victorian, open-ended) [ dead link ]
The Great Beyond (Forum Role-Play) [ dead link ]
The Horror of Cthulhu: the As Yet Unwritten Tales (Horror) [ dead link ]
The Hunters German U-Boat's At War 1939-43 - 15th Flotilla (wargame) [ dead link ]
The Infernal Machine (Dungeons & Dragons Open PBEM) [ dead link ]
The Last Stop (PbP Dark Fantasy) [ dead link ]
The LATTICE -- FreeForm SciFi RPG (FreeForm SciFi RPG) [ dead link ]
The Lone Detective (investigation game) [ dead link ]
The Long Road Home (Battlestar Galactica (New) Opera) [ dead link ]
The Marvel Altraverse (X-Men Play-By-Post) [ dead link ]
The Midnighters (Horror / Superhero) [ dead link ]
The Ninja RP (Naruto Fandom) [ dead link ]
The Ninth Fleet (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
The Pyramid (DnD 3.0) [ dead link ]
The Quest for the Hefalump (Comedy Fantasy) [ dead link ]
The Raven (A "Forever Knight" Fandom) [ dead link ]
The Roman Republic (alternate history, Rome, RPG) [ dead link ]
The Rpg Table (scpae game, fantasy game, action game,wargame the list grows everyday) [ dead link ]
The Setting Blood-Sun of Inurma (fantasy) [ dead link ]
The Shadow Realms (Dungeons & Dragons v3.5) [ dead link ]
The Shadows (Modern fantasy) [ dead link ]
The Silver Morning Star (fantasy, dragon rider, Eragon, post) [ dead link ]
The Squared Circle Online (Wrestling, browser based) [ dead link ]
The Starfleet Tali Corps (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
The Sundering Of The Veil (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
the temple of Elemental Evil (fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
The Twilightus Universe (rpg community) [ dead link ]
The Warren (Fantasy, historical) [ dead link ]
The World of Feila (furry rpg) [ dead link ]
the World of Manager (fantasy sports) [ dead link ]
Therian Fleet (episode forum home fun fantasy) [ dead link ]
Third Millenium (web-based space exploration and conquest) [ dead link ]
Threads of Fate (all-encompassing game ) [ dead link ]
Tialka Tribe (fantasy animal) [ dead link ]
Tides of War: New Dawn (Message Board 4x) [ dead link ]
Time of Conflict (modern Geo-Political) [ dead link ]
Timeless Fantasy Hockey League (Sports, Hockey Simulation, Retro) [ dead link ]
Titan Zero Fleet (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
To Boldly Go (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Tombstone RPG PbA (Wild West with Native American Mythology) [ dead link ]
Tor D'Kar trading Outpost (Play by web rpg) [ dead link ]
TORG: The Possibility Wars (Invading Dimensions on Earth's Reality) [ dead link ]
Torn City (RPG) [ dead link ]
Travian (Browser, war, tribes, village, rule, conquer) [ dead link ]
Trek at its core: USS Ulysses (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
Trials of the Gladiatrix (fantasy, D&D) [ dead link ]
Tribe of Shadows Flames Warrior Cats RPG (Erin Hunter's Warriors) [ dead link ]
Triton Colony (Star Trek, Colony) [ dead link ]
TV Land (TV Simulation Game) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Gemini (Roleplaying, Space Opera, Star Trek, SMS) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. King George V (Star Trek SMS-based Roleplaying Game) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Lexington (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Poseidon (NOVA-Based Star Trek RPG Simm) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Promise Ncc-30072 (star trek) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Ptolemy (Star Trek Nova Based RPG) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Sahara (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Sedgemoor (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
U.S.S. Wildchild (Defense, Space Opera, JP Centric) [ dead link ]
UFC Undisputed (RPG, Fantasy Fighting) [ dead link ]
Ultimate Challenge Football League (Fantasy Football Manager) [ dead link ]
Ultimate challenge Football League (Fantasy soccer league management game) [ dead link ]
Ultimate Diplomacy (Diplomacy Variant set in the Middle Ages) [ dead link ]
Ultraball 2100 (futuristic sport management) [ dead link ]
UNDERGROUND PITFIGHTING! (fighting, MMA, UFC, comedy, superhero, pro-wrestling) [ dead link ]
Unified Command (wargame) [ dead link ]
United Nations V3 (Political Wargame) [ dead link ]
United Soccer League (E-mail soccer manager) [ dead link ]
United Star Ship Cerberus (space opera, sci-fi, star trek, adult) [ dead link ]
United States Government Simulation (roleplaying, government, politics) [ dead link ]
Unity Station (Sci Fi, Trek) [ dead link ]
Unity Station | Starbase 47 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
Use the Spark (steampunk intrigue) [ dead link ]
USI Survivors (science fiction star-trek like game) [ dead link ]
USS Achilles (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Achilles, Bravo Fleet (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Aeon (Star Trek Nova Sim) [ dead link ]
USS Akagi (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS ALEXANDRIA (Star Trek Freeform PBEM) [ dead link ]
USS Americana (Space, Fantasy) [ dead link ]
USS Andoria (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Antares (Character driven Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Aquarius (space opera, star trek) [ dead link ]
USS Arctic (Star Trek sim) [ dead link ]
USS Ardeshir - NCC 84721 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Arizona NCC 77021 (Star Trek Simulation) [ dead link ]
USS Arizona: Emergency Rapid Response (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Asgard, Norway class Star Trek (Adventure and Exploration) [ dead link ]
USS Astrea (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Avalon (Star Trek PBeM (SMS) set in the year 2386) [ dead link ]
USS Axion (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
USS Boise NCC-1808 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Brisingr (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS California (RPG, PBEM) [ dead link ]
USS Capella NCC 84032 (RPG SMS ) [ dead link ]
USS Carpathia (Trek PBEM) [ dead link ]
USS Cascadia (Star Trek ) [ dead link ]
USS Casey (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Cassiopeia (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Cavalier (Star Trek SIM) [ dead link ]
USS Cerberus (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
USS Chimera (Star Trek play by Forum) [ dead link ]
USS Clinton NCC 4049X (Star Trek Role Playing Game) [ dead link ]
USS Columbia (Strek Trek SMS Sim) [ dead link ]
USS Concord (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Cosmos (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Courageous (NOVA based RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Daedalus (Space, Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
USS Dauntless (Nova) (Star Trek SiMM) [ dead link ]
USS Diligence (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Diligence (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Eclipse (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
USS Endeavor, NCC-73654 (star trek pbem rpg) [ dead link ]
USS Endeavour (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Enigma (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Excalibur: a Nutrek sim! (Star Trek sim based on the new movie) [ dead link ]
USS Explorer (Star Trek, science fiction, NX-Era) [ dead link ]
USS Federation (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Fenris (Star Trek RP set in 2388) [ dead link ]
USS Firebrand (Star Trek RPG/Simm) [ dead link ]
USS Galen (A Star Trek RPG set in the 25th century.) [ dead link ]
USS Glenn (Star Trek/Horror) [ dead link ]
USS Guardian (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Hartington (2) (Star Trek Simulation) [ dead link ]
USS Hathor (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Hawaii (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Hawk (Bravo Fleet) (Star Trek ) [ dead link ]
USS Healy (Star Trek, Forums) [ dead link ]
USS Helios (Star Trek Play-by-email (PBEM) RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Hephaistos (Startrek RP) [ dead link ]
USS Heracles (Star Trek Simulation Forum) [ dead link ]
USS Heyerdahl (space opera) [ dead link ]
USS Horatio Nelson (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
USS Hyperion (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Imperator (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Jakarta (Star Trek Play by SMS) [ dead link ]
USS Jakarta - NCC 72891 (Star Trek sim) [ dead link ]
USS Jintachi (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Jumper (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Katana (Star trek, space) [ dead link ]
USS Kingdom (Star Trek, Abramsverse, play by Nova, Pegasus Fleet, AU) [ dead link ]
USS Komorkis (Star Trek sim, Pegasus Fleet) [ dead link ]
USS Langport - Not Your Grandpa's Trek Simm (star trek, nova based, sci-fi, pegasus fleet) [ dead link ]
USS Leondegrance (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Leviathan (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Lexington (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Livingstone (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
USS Magellan (Star trek) [ dead link ]
USS Massachusetts (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Merlin (Star trek simm) [ dead link ]
USS Merrimack - The Frontier of Federation Space (Star Trek Creative Co-op Fiction) [ dead link ]
USS Merrimack -- Deciding Our Fate (Political Star Trek Drama) [ dead link ]
USS Minerva (Star Trek Play by Email) [ dead link ]
USS Nautilus (Post Ent era, Space) [ dead link ]
USS Nautilus (b) (Star Trek, space, exploration) [ dead link ]
USS Navajo: NCC-50001 - Tradition, Excellence,Respect (Star Trek PBB RPG) [ dead link ]
USS New Hampshire (Star Trek Simm) [ dead link ]
USS Nicholson (Star Trek, space, sci-fi, pegasus fleet) [ dead link ]
USS Nimitz (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Nimitz - Obsidian Fleet (Star Trek Space Opera!) [ dead link ]
USS Nogura (PbNova) [ dead link ]
USS Normandie (Star Trek PBF RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Normandy (Star Trek, Sci Fi, Future) [ dead link ]
USS Oberon (Horizon Fleet) (Star Trek PBEM/PBW) [ dead link ]
USS Odin (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Omega (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Omega - Flagship of the Fleet (Star Trek, Nova based) [ dead link ]
USS Pandora (Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Pegasus (RPG,Sim) [ dead link ]
USS Pegasus NX-10 (Star Trek Simm) [ dead link ]
USS Pendragon (Startrek, pbem, irc) [ dead link ]
USS Phantasm (Simm) [ dead link ]
USS Pharoah (Obsidian Fleet) (Space Opera, Trek Simm) [ dead link ]
USS Pioneer (Star Trek, Play by Fourm) [ dead link ]
USS Pioneer NCC 81277 - A (Star Trek PBem) [ dead link ]
USS Polaris (RPG, Creative Writing, Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Portland (forum-based Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Poseidon (Star Trek Nova-based SIM) [ dead link ]
USS Quantico (Star Trek ) [ dead link ]
USS Rachel (Star Trek, space, PBEM, RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Redemption (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Redepmtion (Star Trek PRG) [ dead link ]
USS Renegade (space) [ dead link ]
USS Renown (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
uss renown (star trek roleplay) [ dead link ]
USS Renown (2) (Star Trek SiMM) [ dead link ]
USS Resolute (Star Trek/Play By Forum) [ dead link ]
USS Revere (Star Trek simm) [ dead link ]
USS Rook (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Sagan (Science Vessel) [ dead link ]
USS Salvation (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Samurai (Star Trek RPG (Nova)) [ dead link ]
USS Scorpio NCC 77947 (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Sedgemoor (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Sentinel (Star Trek Play by Nova) [ dead link ]
USS Shepherd (Star Trek, Pegasus Fleet) [ dead link ]
USS Sioux (Star Trek PBF RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Solstice (Star Trek: Enterprise-themed simm) [ dead link ]
USS Talos (Star Trek, Space Opera) [ dead link ]
USS Tartarus (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Tempest (Star Trek RPG (CODA) Play-by-Post (forum)) [ dead link ]
USS Ticonderoga (2) (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Tigris (A Star Trek Simulation) [ dead link ]
USS Tomcat NCC 61124 (Star Trek Nova/SMS) [ dead link ]
USS Tomcat NCC 62114 RPG Nova Sim (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
USS Tomcat NCC-62114 (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Trafalgar (2) (Star Trek, RPG, Star Fleet, Obsidian) [ dead link ]
USS Ulysses (Star trek PBNova/sms) [ dead link ]
USS Valo (Nova-based Star Trek sim in Task Force 39) [ dead link ]
USS Vanguard (2) (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Venice (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
USS Vesuvius (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Viking - Core Values of Star Trek (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
USS Viper needs operatives (star trek, intelligence with an agents of shield feel) [ dead link ]
Valiant Operations (Star Trek Play By Forums) [ dead link ]
Vampire Dust (Fantasy, buffy the vampire slayer) [ dead link ]
Vampire: Infinite Quest (RPG, Play by Message Board) [ dead link ]
Veiled Secrets (supernatural, fantasy, horror) [ dead link ]
Village of Orin (Dungeons and Dragons 4E game) [ dead link ]
VIRTUAL BIGGER BROTHER (Text based big brother game) [ dead link ]
Virtual Championship Wrestling Federation (Role-Playing e-fed) [ dead link ]
Virual Kidz (human roleplay, childcare, text based) [ dead link ]
Wakenipa Sports Exchange - Rugby World Cup 2007 (Fantasy sports) [ dead link ]
War & Peace III (historical, wargame, strategy, turn-based) [ dead link ]
War of Rythanis (Stategy, PbP, fantas wargame) [ dead link ]
War of the Clans - Expansion -- Return to the Pentagon Worlds (Battletech, wargame, open ended) [ dead link ]
War to Glory (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
Warcery (Fantasy duel game) [ dead link ]
WastelandsRPG (fantasy, scifi, zombie, ) [ dead link ]
Waterdeep: City of Splendors (Forgotten Realms DnD) [ dead link ]
WCW Western Championship Wrestling (Wrestling PRG Boards) [ dead link ]
Weekly Electronic Football Simulation (WEFS) (football (soccer) manager simulation) [ dead link ]
Weewar (Turnbased strategy Web game (modern cenario)) [ dead link ]
Welcome to your Future's Past! (Medical Drama) [ dead link ]
West Kingdom: Swords and Wizardry Play-by-Blog (Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
Western World (Wild West tabletop style rpg game) [ dead link ]
Westeros rp (fantasy) [ dead link ]
What Lies Beyond (fantasy, horror) [ dead link ]
White Star Jupiter (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Windy City Secrets (writing group, horror/supernatural, Anita Blake and NWoD style) [ dead link ]
Winterwood: As the world falls down... (Fantasy, play-by-post, RPG, Roleplay) [ dead link ]
Wizards Inc. (Modern fantasy) [ dead link ]
World at War (wargame) [ dead link ]
World Basketball Association (Simulation Basketball) [ dead link ]
world Fantasy Rugby (Rugby Union) [ dead link ]
World In Peril (Modern Nation Sim) [ dead link ]
World Leaders: The World Is Yours (Modern, Political, War, Role Play, Alternate History) [ dead link ]
World of Alala (Fantasy character driven RPG) [ dead link ]
World of Chaos (Cross-Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror) [ dead link ]
World of Kaomaris (Multiplayer conquest of a map by diplomacy and warfare.) [ dead link ]
World of Lore (Fantasy, Medieval PBMB, PBEM, play by post RPG) [ dead link ]
World of Scarlor (ad&d 1st edition) [ dead link ]
World of Shadows (freeform science fiction pbem) [ dead link ]
World Rugby League (rugby league simulation) [ dead link ]
World Wide Web Wrestling (fantasy/strategy wrestling) [ dead link ]
Worlds Collide (fantasy freeform original setting) [ dead link ]
Wrassle[dot]Net (Wrestling, Fighting, Role Playing, E-Fed) [ dead link ]
Wrestling Game (Wrestling) [ dead link ]
Wringworld (Dungeons & Dragons RPG Campaign) [ dead link ]
WWE NETWORK 18 (pro-wrestling roleplay) [ dead link ]
WWII What If (wargame) [ dead link ]
www.SoccerManager.com (Football Management) [ dead link ]
www.star-fleet.com (Star Trek Online RPG) [ dead link ]
X-Men: Acid Rain (X-Men/Marvel Anime Influenced Play-By-Post RPG) [ dead link ]
X-Men: NeXus (Modern Abstract) [ dead link ]
X-Ray Fleet (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
XPG - An X-Men based RPG (Super Hero) [ dead link ]
Xtreme Championship Wrestling (Wrestling efed) [ dead link ]
xtreme hardcore british wrestling association (Efed) [ dead link ]
XWP Writing and Role Play (Ancient World Fantasy) [ dead link ]
Years of Anguish (political rpg) [ dead link ]
You Play It (Board Games) [ dead link ]
Zaidan-Tai (Fantasy roleplaying on a strategic level) [ dead link ]
Zefram Cochrane (Star Trek, mature) [ dead link ]
Zodiac Paired (Super Heroes) [ dead link ]
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Greg Lindahl