Games in this category:
- Aeterna Roma (historical, political)
- Alphasim Hockey Simulation (Web based Management Hockey Sim)
- BattleTech Mercenaries (PBF and PBeM Science Fiction Warfare Fan Fiction)
- Boardgames (Boardgame abstract)
- Chess (Chess)
- Chrestonim (Science Fantasy)
- Convergence of Dark (Cross Cannon Supernatural Themed RPG)
- Dark Horizons X-Men RPG (PBEM/Yahoo Group RPG)
- Dark Motives (Supernatural)
- Dark World RPG (Free-form Fantasy)
- Decimated - A Post-Apocalyptic RPG (insanejournal, post-apoc, no zombies)
- Deutscherbundestag (German Political Webbased Simulator)
- Diplomacy Ludomaniac (strategy diplomacy)
- Dreamland (Historical, Mystery, Science Fiction)
- DUNE: Wheels Within Wheels (DUNE: Science-Fiction Roleplaying Game)
- Dungeoneer PBEM (free-form, fantasy, dungeon crawl)
- Elcor Theatre - A Mass Effect PBeM FF-RPG (Space Opera, Mass Effect)
- Elenlond - Turn the Pages and Write Your Own Tale! (freeform fantasy)
- Empires of 1914 (Abstract, historical, roleplaying nation sim.)
- Empyrean Dynasty (space opera freeform strategy game)
- Fantasy Congress (modern politics)
- Gamma39 (Star Trek)
- Ghoulies Ghosties and Beasties (Adult Fantasy)
- Heart of the West (Western)
- MBST1 (puzzle, decypher)
- Mizahar (fantasy roleplay forum)
- Morrow Project IL-MRX- 1 (Mars/Recon) (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- Morrow Project QP-11 (SPECIALTY QP-11) (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- Morrow Project Recon CA-4 (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- Morrow Project Recon Team A.G1 (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- NCC-1764 USS Defiant (Star Trek, scifi)
- Outbreak (Pre-Zombie Apocalypse)
- Passing Through Twilight RPG (7th Year Canon Harry Potter)
- Politics UK (Political simulation)
- QFGC (high fantasy)
- Qpawn Panterra (Modern, political wargame)
- Quidam (free-form, open ended, fantasy, leaning mostly towards vampires and werewolves right now)
- Ragnarok (wolf, sled dog, human)
- Rivers Run (18+ afterlife, low-fantasy, survival)
- RPG Forums Online (Free form fantasy and message board based RPGs)
- Smallville: Shadows of Future Present (Superhero, romance)
- Star Trek: Black Ops (PBeM based on Starfleet Intelligence)
- Star Trek: Renaissance (Star Trek, PBF)
- Star Trek: Resurrection (A group of writers who enjoy the interactive environment of the online Star Trek simming-verse.)
- Star Trek: The Saints of Infinity (Star Trek)
- Star Trek: USS Valkyrie (Star Trek, Sci Fi, Space Opera)
- Starship Fawkes (Star Trek Roleplaying game)
- The 500 Baronies (Fantasy, RPG)
- The Honor Guard (Political Roleplaying)
- The Lost Isle (Sci-fi, Prehistoric, Time Travel RPG)
- The Numbers Game (number guessing game)
- The Other Side (Adult Horror Game)
- The Porn Star Wars (free sex based online RPG)
- Total Football Management (Football Simulation)
- Twilight: Journey (fantasy)
- Unplottable, A Hogwarts Game (Based on Harry Potter)
- USS Birger (Star Trek, Sci-Fi)
- USS Centaurus (Star Trek)
- USS Endeavour Obsidian Fleet TF-72 (Space Opera, Character Driven, Story Focused, Collaborative)
- USS Fearless (Star Trek RPG)
- USS Hawking (Star Trek RPG)
- USS Magellan (Galaxy-class) - The Federation is at a Crossroads (Star Trek role-play)
- USS Malinche (Star Trek simm)
- USS Pereiculum (Star Trek PbNova)
- USS Renaissance (2) (Star Trek)
- USS Sphinx (Star Trek, Mystery, Space Opera)
- USS Talleyrand (Star Trek, space opera)
- USS Yellowstone (Star Trek)
- Wildstorms Reborn (Superheroes )
- Witching Hour Cafe (free-form, pbp, gothic fantasy, creative writing site)
- Wraith Legion (Sci-Fi Wargame, Battletech)
- WWRPG (wrestling rpg)
- X-Men: Crossroads (PbP X-Men, modern superhero)
- XPG (Superhero PBem based on the first X-Men Movie )
- YourTurnMyTurn Online Boardgames (Board Games)
- (18+) U.S.S. Elysium - NCC 89000 - TF47 Flagship (Star Trek Simulation) [ dead link ]
- 2084 (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
- 2386: USS Gladiator (Star Trek based, drama, action) [ dead link ]
- A Republica das Bananas (political RPG) [ dead link ]
- Adylheim (fantasy, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Alphabet City (Real Life Modern) [ dead link ]
- Apollo Station (Space opera) [ dead link ]
- Arena of Doom RPG PbA (Fantasy game with a hint of Roman Mythology) [ dead link ]
- Avada Kedavra (RPG, forum, harry potter, fantasy, alternate universe) [ dead link ]
- Barbarians at the Gate (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
- BC304 Agincourt (Science Fiction, alternate timeline) [ dead link ]
- Bellow's Fog (post-apocalyptic, play-by-post, cyber-punk) [ dead link ]
- Bravo Fleet's Striker! (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- Bravofleet USS AJAX (star trek) [ dead link ]
- Chaos Destiny (alt earth fantasy/sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Gaea (Fantasy steampunk modern scifi world-building) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Indur (fantasy, play by post, desert, medieval, ) [ dead link ]
- Code Red: Lost Ages (science fiction, action, mystery) [ dead link ]
- Dark Age (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Dark Falls (freeform horror pbem) [ dead link ]
- Dark Frontiers (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- Deep Space 7 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- DREAD WOLF (dragon age + panfandom) [ dead link ]
- Duality (Non-system specific role playing email sim) [ dead link ]
- Earth Abides (Post Holocaus (Disease), Opera, Society Building) [ dead link ]
- Empire of the Alexandrians (Government Simulation) [ dead link ]
- Empires (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Evereras (High Medieval Fantasy Text-Based Story-Driven RPG) [ dead link ]
- Fallout:Ghoul Britannia (post-apocalyptic collaborative play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Federation Space RPG (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- For The Love Of A Goddess (Romance, Adventure, Adult, Comedy) [ dead link ]
- Genome: Legacy of Mutation (modern, play by post) [ dead link ]
- Graviton University (free form, open ended, cross genre anime RPG) [ dead link ]
- Gray RPG (open-ended, forum, crime, RPG) [ dead link ]
- Harper's Haven (Soap Opera) [ dead link ]
- Heaven's Gate - Starbase 73 (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Hexem II (Very simple wargame) [ dead link ]
- Horizon Fleet - USS Sentinel (Star Trek, Cumulative Writing) [ dead link ]
- Hybrid Realms (fantasy RPG, chat, forums) [ dead link ]
- Inter-Universal Diplomacy RPG (free-form, open-ended, sci-fi, diplomacy, Play-by-forum) [ dead link ]
- Jersey Justice: A Superhero RPG (Superhero) [ dead link ]
- Lost and Found (Fantasy Play by Post) [ dead link ]
- Mavros Weyr (Canon Dragonriders of Pern) [ dead link ]
- Mazes and Minotaurs RPG PbA (Greek Mythological Game) [ dead link ]
- Missouri (General SciFi, Star Trek platform) [ dead link ]
- NetNations (Modern, Political Simulator) [ dead link ]
- New Worlds Project (Original science-fiction, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Nova Lux (Sci-Fi) [ dead link ]
- Obsidian Fleet (Star Trek ) [ dead link ]
- Obsidian Fleet's USS Relentless (Star Trek based SIMM) [ dead link ]
- Omega 7 (scifi, action adventure, comedy) [ dead link ]
- Open Ended Adventure Game (Freely Editable Choose-Your-Own Adventure style Game) [ dead link ]
- Ouroboros (Sci-Fi Exploration) [ dead link ]
- Passion and Prosperity (historical, regency period) [ dead link ]
- Pegasus Fleet (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
- Per Annum: The Circle of Time (fantasy, medieval, science fiction, modern) [ dead link ]
- PLAYtoSOR (Be the best e-truchmuche producer) [ dead link ]
- Politics USA (Political Game, similar to Politics UK) [ dead link ]
- Pools of Imagination (Adult, freeform rpg and message board) [ dead link ]
- Quest for Arrakis II (Dune AU) [ dead link ]
- Ramath-lehi (Fantasy, futuristic, play-by-post, free form, pendragons) [ dead link ]
- Red Raven Alpha (Prision scyfi survival) [ dead link ]
- Remnants of an Empire (Forum Roleplay) [ dead link ]
- Ringill (Original fantasy RPG, free form) [ dead link ]
- Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg (Micronation) [ dead link ]
- RPG Freak (PBP RPG) [ dead link ]
- Salroth Ages (Semi-Freeform fantasy timetravel) [ dead link ]
- Section 47 (Star Trek PBeM RPG) [ dead link ]
- SES S'Task (PBEM RPG) [ dead link ]
- Sierra Falls Police Department (freeform modern police pbem) [ dead link ]
- SLA Stargate Command (Stargate SG1 RPG) [ dead link ]
- Spaceplan (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Spaeculum (unique fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Sparkling Creek Valley (original, animal, wolf, human, semi-realistic ) [ dead link ]
- SS Stormbreaker (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- Star Saga (space roleplaying game) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek - Bravo Fleet - USS Adelaide (Star Trek Play by Nova) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek Excelsior (Star Trek, PBEM) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek SS Dark Matter (Space Sci fi, wargame, role play, ) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek: Defiant (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek: Echoes (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek: USS Tethys (space opera, star trek, sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars Notes (Star Wars) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars: Resurgence (space opera, mystery, thriller, adventure. ) [ dead link ]
- Starbase Bravo (Star Trek, 2387 era) [ dead link ]
- Starbase Dragonstar, a Star Trek Sci Fi Play by Post RPG (star trek, sci fi) [ dead link ]
- Stargate: The Next Generation (Stargate, space, war, ships, future, exploration, forum) [ dead link ]
- Starrcadia Cage Fighting (MMA Roleplay/Simulation) [ dead link ]
- Surviving Mars (Sci-Fi Survival) [ dead link ]
- Thar Shaddin (freeform, message board, pbp, fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Dawn OF time (BB Rpg) [ dead link ]
- The Fantastic Ethereal Roleplaying Board (Cross-Genre, Time Travelling Extravaganza) [ dead link ]
- The Gilded Cage (historical, post-Civil War, Victorian, open-ended) [ dead link ]
- The Last Stop (PbP Dark Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Lone Detective (investigation game) [ dead link ]
- The Ninth Fleet (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
- The Silver Morning Star (fantasy, dragon rider, Eragon, post) [ dead link ]
- The Starfleet Tali Corps (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Therian Fleet (episode forum home fun fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Tialka Tribe (fantasy animal) [ dead link ]
- Tombstone RPG PbA (Wild West with Native American Mythology) [ dead link ]
- Torn City (RPG) [ dead link ]
- Trek at its core: USS Ulysses (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
- U.S.S. Sedgemoor (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- U.S.S. Wildchild (Defense, Space Opera, JP Centric) [ dead link ]
- United States Government Simulation (roleplaying, government, politics) [ dead link ]
- Use the Spark (steampunk intrigue) [ dead link ]
- USS Axion (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- USS Boise NCC-1808 (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- USS Dauntless (Nova) (Star Trek SiMM) [ dead link ]
- USS Endeavour (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- USS Excalibur: a Nutrek sim! (Star Trek sim based on the new movie) [ dead link ]
- USS Healy (Star Trek, Forums) [ dead link ]
- USS Horatio Nelson (Star Trek Sim) [ dead link ]
- USS Jakarta (Star Trek Play by SMS) [ dead link ]
- USS Jakarta - NCC 72891 (Star Trek sim) [ dead link ]
- USS Merrimack -- Deciding Our Fate (Political Star Trek Drama) [ dead link ]
- USS Pandora (Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
- USS Pegasus (RPG,Sim) [ dead link ]
- USS Phantasm (Simm) [ dead link ]
- USS Portland (forum-based Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
- USS Rachel (Star Trek, space, PBEM, RPG) [ dead link ]
- USS Sentinel (Star Trek Play by Nova) [ dead link ]
- USS Solstice (Star Trek: Enterprise-themed simm) [ dead link ]
- USS Trafalgar (2) (Star Trek, RPG, Star Fleet, Obsidian) [ dead link ]
- USS Ulysses (Star trek PBNova/sms) [ dead link ]
- USS Valo (Nova-based Star Trek sim in Task Force 39) [ dead link ]
- USS Vesuvius (Star Trek) [ dead link ]
- Valiant Operations (Star Trek Play By Forums) [ dead link ]
- War of Rythanis (Stategy, PbP, fantas wargame) [ dead link ]
- Warcery (Fantasy duel game) [ dead link ]
- Welcome to your Future's Past! (Medical Drama) [ dead link ]
- White Star Jupiter (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Wizards Inc. (Modern fantasy) [ dead link ]
- World of Alala (Fantasy character driven RPG) [ dead link ]
- World of Shadows (freeform science fiction pbem) [ dead link ]
- X-Men: NeXus (Modern Abstract) [ dead link ]
- XPG - An X-Men based RPG (Super Hero) [ dead link ]
- You Play It (Board Games) [ dead link ]
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