Fw: The Yellow Dragons (fwd)

----- (jdgbobr@io.com)
Thu, 20 May 1999 12:57:41 -0500 (CDT)

Ming was insulted by being called a coward and thus wrote:

>For myself, I declare Blood Feud with the lowlife dog who calls himself
>Cendage. I will not rest until his head is on a pike before the ruinid
>gates of his castle. I post a bounty of 50,000 gold for his foul corpse,
>delivered to me in my stronghold on Camaris.

I'd tell ya where I am, but that would take all the fun out of it. (I'm a
coward, you see.)

This isn't in relation to that scout we sicced the garrison on, is it? (We
lost -- damn those insta-garrisons!)

> Although I would gladly pay
>the bounty, I would prefer the chance to slay himself and deliver his
>stinking carcase to hades impaled on the bloody Sword of Ming!

You have a long road to travel, Ming my chap. It's over ^&*^ <censored>
provinces to my location.

>Run and and try to hide behind your magical barriers, coward, for I come
> for you.

Gosh, this sounds familar.

>Ming the Merciless
>Lord High Diplomat of PLATO
>Master of the Western Marches
>Warmonger Extraordinare



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