RE: The Yellow Dragons

Christophe Desmecht (
Thu, 20 May 1999 19:46:23 +0200

Well, I didn't assume anything.
You just assumed that I assumed... but let's not get into that.
You can't help being stupid.


At 16:33 19/05/99 -0700, Rodgers, Robert wrote:
>Gee Cappy, I'm sorry, but everything isn't about you. Although in
>re-reading my message, I now see my mistake. When I referred to despicable
>cretins, you must have automatically assumed I meant the LotC.
>Ming the ...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Christophe Desmecht []
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 1:06 PM
>> To: Rodgers, Robert;
>> Subject: Re: The Yellow Dragons
>> Here we go again...
>> Doesn't it strike you as obvious that PLATO always finds an excuse to
>> try to get everyone on their side?
>> Can't they handle things on their own?
>> Oops, I guess they can't :)
>> Cappy
>> At 09:35 19/05/99 -0700, Rodgers, Robert wrote:
>> >To all Olympians:
>> >
>> >Forces from the Crimson Dragons have begun operations against PLATO on
>> >Camaris, operating in close conjunction with LotC troops. Note that we
>> >never did anything to them, and in fact have always scrupulously honored
>> our
>> >Camaris non-agression pact. With no warning, declaration of war, or
>> >communication of any kind these factions have attacked us. We assume
>> they
>> >think we are vulnerable because of the war with the LotC--this proves
>> their
>> >intelligence is as undeveloped as their honor.
>> >
>> >We would like to hear from the other proclaimed members of EAGLE--the
>> Jackal
>> >and the SOA--to know if they plan to participate in this dishonorable
>> >attack. We will assume a lack of communication to be a positive
>> response,
>> >and plan accordingly.
>> >
>> >We call upon all other right thinking factions and alliances to join us
>> in
>> >glorious battle to punish these dispicable cretins and wipe the foul name
>> of
>> >Crimson Dragons from the face of Olympia!
>> >
>> >For myself, I declare Blood Feud with the lowlife dog who calls himself
>> >Cendage. I will not rest until his head is on a pike before the ruinid
>> >gates of his castle. I post a bounty of 50,000 gold for his foul corpse,
>> >delivered to me in my stronghold on Camaris. Although I would gladly pay
>> >the bounty, I would prefer the chance to slay himself and deliver his
>> >stinking carcase to hades impaled on the bloody Sword of Ming!
>> >
>> >Run and and try to hide behind your magical barriers, coward, for I come
>> for
>> >you.
>> >
>> >Ming the Merciless
>> >Lord High Diplomat of PLATO
>> >Master of the Western Marches
>> >Warmonger Extraordinare
>> >Abuser of Bugs
>> >Collecter of Pez
>> >Sigma Phi Epsilon
>> >

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