Re: forget your NPs

The Undying (
Wed, 19 May 1999 04:44:40 PDT

>I know I'm going to regret this....:-)
>IRONY ALERT: The UDB jumps into an ungoing discussion started by Rimmon's
>accusation that LotC is using bugs.

I only asked them to stop going on about their lost NP's. Voila!

In this context, the UDB refers to an
>LotC defeat at the hands of Oleg which was achieved, at least in part, by
>use of a movement bug. I point this out only to illustrate that bugs, bug
>use, and bug abuse have been part of the ongoing war for some time now.
>Rimmon has admitted using the same movement bug that Oleg used. How can
>Rimmon, Oleg and others take issue with LotC using bugs if they themselves
>use bugs in the very same war?

Well argued there. The entire discussion is a pseudo if you ask me. See

>And secondly,
>How come the UDB has to use a battle faught by Oleg vs LotC in order to
> Aren't there any UDB victories to talk trash about? It's kind of odd to
>to flame an opponent by citing accomplishments of others.........

Right you are there. But see, UDB is PLATO now, since my old associates did
not think it worthile to fight for peace, freedom and liberty. Well,
actually they (HC) tricked everyone including yours truly, but thatīs all in
the history books now...

Also, my last post invited the loteks to start posting what "defeats"
they've achieved. There rests the answers to the crusty old seadogs


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