Re: forget your NPs

Dragon Lord (
Wed, 19 May 1999 14:13:44 GMT

>BTW: What happened to that last stack you sent over? You killed 1 noble lost 6, and 200 riding horses? Well if thats winning, let me be the first to congratulate you. Please come here and defeat us again, oh ye mity dragonfly.
>wink to the audience (at least I got him to use the list for what i think it should be used for)
>Le Marroon Immortalis

That stack got killed due to a bug but we don't care, at least
we don't have to clean up after those horses anymore :-))

Next time we'll try to put some elite-guard on those horses
before we come over there to defeat you.
By the way, when are you going to attack those Twilight garrisons
I heard they are preparing to regarrison the entire area

PS: trying badly to change the subject :-))

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