Re: forget your NPs
Tue, 18 May 1999 13:39:11 EDT

In a message dated 5/18/99 11:34:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> I take it this is another of your attempts at giving the impression that
> are winning? Well thats fine with me and I am sure its good for your morale
> as well (you guys have been jumpy and rather high-pitched since Oleg
> Codric), just dont bother me all the time your missing NP's, thats all I
> of you.

I know I'm going to regret this....:-)
IRONY ALERT: The UDB jumps into an ungoing discussion started by Rimmon's
accusation that LotC is using bugs. In this context, the UDB refers to an
LotC defeat at the hands of Oleg which was achieved, at least in part, by the
use of a movement bug. I point this out only to illustrate that bugs, bug
use, and bug abuse have been part of the ongoing war for some time now.
Rimmon has admitted using the same movement bug that Oleg used. How can
Rimmon, Oleg and others take issue with LotC using bugs if they themselves
use bugs in the very same war?

And secondly,
How come the UDB has to use a battle faught by Oleg vs LotC in order to brag?
Aren't there any UDB victories to talk trash about? It's kind of odd to try
to flame an opponent by citing accomplishments of others.........


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