Re: Missing NP's

Christophe Desmecht (
Sun, 16 May 1999 12:52:17 +0200

In that case, Rich, my faction is missing 1 np. That's 8 turns of waiting.
Either you give me my np back, or I want my $20 back.
(personally I want my np back, thankyouverymuch)

While you're at it, why don't you just take some time to give EVERYONE
their np's back. Shouldn't be so hard. In my opinion, you could write a few
lines of code to do it for you. Just check who's not got enough np's, then
them back to them. Simple as that.


At 22:19 15/05/99 -0700, Bron Nelson wrote:
>> There is, you see, an NP bug that denies some players their NP's
>> when their nobles die.
>> Your missin, Rich, if you wish to accept it, is to fix this bug
>If I remember our previous email exchange correctly, the bug you
>are complaining about was in fact fixed quite some time ago. The
>only remaining problem is that you didn't get your missing noble
>points back.
>While on this topic: my current best information from the last
>2 turns indicates that all the "lose an NP" bugs that I have been
>made aware of *have* been fixed. Further, transfering a control
>artifact does NOT transfer an NP any longer (closing that NP loophole
>as well). Resurrections still do NOT cost an NP.
>On the "terrorize" front: I recieved 2 reasonably complete reports,
>which lead to an interesting hypothesis: it appeared as if when the
>check was made to see if the terrorizing faction had enough NP's to
>gain control of the character, the game was checking the NP's of the
>character who was *doing* the terrorizing, rather than the noble
>*being* terrorized. If other people could check to confirm or deny
>this hypothesis, I'd appreciate it. Note however it is only the
>preliminary check which seems to be bad: if you pass the check, then
>the correct number of NP's get transfered when the noble actually
>changes sides.
>Please use for Oly2 correspondence.
>Use only if you require fast response.
>These statements are my own, not those of Silicon Graphics.

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