Re: Gloating Codrickers

Hugh O'Neil (
Sat, 15 May 1999 11:26:17 -0700 (PDT)

It seems to me that the only way to sort out this problem is for the
LOTC to pass on the information to a faction that has no interst in the
war what so ever so they could verify their statement of playing within
the game.
Most people know that I have never been involved in any major conflict
and have always remained stauchly neutral so therefore i would be
willing to act as that verifyer. In order to prove that I would not
pass the information on to any other parties I am prepared to state
that if at any time I pass this information on to any other player I am
willing to allow every player in the game to set hostile tw6 orders ,
thus making my taking part in this game almost impossible.
So LOTC stand up and prove you are as honrable as you claim

Hugh O'Neil
Guild Of Merchants
Faction tw6

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