Re: Gloating Codrickers

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Sat, 15 May 1999 20:19:07 +0200

So are you saying that the rumour posted in the Times is incorrect?

And if it is correct would you be so kind to explain how it is possible to
get up to more than 28 studydays of SFW. Obviously , if the rumour is
correct you are benefitting from it when tapping health. Or would you call
this a feature?


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Dragon Lord <>
Aan: <>
Datum: zaterdag 15 mei 1999 19:32
Onderwerp: Re: Gloating Codrickers

>I know everybody expects of to start flaming Maltar for
>accusing us of using bugs well I'm not going to do that,
>I just want to point out that we are NOT using any bugs,
>the reason that we are winning this war is because the only
>thing we have ever done in Olympia is made war.
>Since the first turn the most of us joined we were at war,
>during the 90 turns I've been playing now I think we've had
>peace for about 10 turns and then the war started again.
>I know that we have used 'features' before (the bug was reported
>so Oleg would call it a feature :-))
>[greg: this was a joke, no need to send an assasin after me]
>but who in this game has never used a bug ??
>Rimmon used the movement bug, Plato used the movement bug,
>we used the SFW bug and I'm sure there is more where this came from.
>So I hope Rich quickly checks this so that he can
>clear our name in this matter.
>Skip (not Dragonlord)
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