Re: New NP bug

James Frediani (
Sat, 1 May 1999 10:24:43 -0700

Ouch. That's an _old_ bug reported long ago. Apparantly Survive Fatal
Wound still counts as a NP when taking over nobles. I had thought this
had changed, but apparantly not.

As you know and your enemies know, would you mind listing the skills this
noble knew upon capture? Also, what was his Fear rating? Maybe everything
over 100 counts as an extra NP?

Jim Frediani

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Stanbery <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, May 01, 1999 6:30 AM
Subject: New NP bug

>Greetings all -- I bring news of a _new_ NP bug.
>Recently, a noble of the alliance to which I belong was captured by
>The captured noble was fear-bound, and knew only standard, non-NP skills.
>Now, the interesting part: We received a note from our enemies to the
>that they terrorized him for 99 points, and he wouldn't pledge because the
>faction in question lacked the requisite 3 NPs for the noble. Now, the
>_should_ only have cost 1 NP. Seems that people face the loss of NPs
>capture, as well as through nobles going rogue.
>So, folks might want to start carefully counting their NPs and making sure
>they've got what they'e supposed to have... and be cautious about capturing
>others' nobles.
>Larry Stanbery

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