Re: Herold from the Undying Banner

Kurt Schelfthout (
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 18:27:19 +0200

Is this going to be one of those 'ghazi' things again? 'Cause I HATE

>Hear ye! Hear ye!
>Fellow Olympians,
>The time has come for the rightful owners of KoEH to return to their
>lands. The Eastern Hordes have trampled our soil long enough. For ages
>have we suffered on Camaris, since the disgraceful peace treaty agreed
>to by former allies. While our Exodus was less than impressive, (and
>barely escaped un-intercepted), we promise that our return will
>We welcome the decision of the former confederates who agreed to join
>us in our return. Others have not replied however, and it is you I
>hope to reach with this proclamation. Newbies are welcome under the
>black flag, as long as it can be determined that you where not
>associated with the cursed traitor.
>For the Undying Banner
>Le Marroon
>Grand Demagogue
>Get Your Private, Free Email at

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