Herold from the Undying Banner

The Undying (udb80@hotmail.com)
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 07:33:53 PDT

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Fellow Olympians,
The time has come for the rightful owners of KoEH to return to their
lands. The Eastern Hordes have trampled our soil long enough. For ages
have we suffered on Camaris, since the disgraceful peace treaty agreed
to by former allies. While our Exodus was less than impressive, (and
barely escaped un-intercepted), we promise that our return will

We welcome the decision of the former confederates who agreed to join
us in our return. Others have not replied however, and it is you I
hope to reach with this proclamation. Newbies are welcome under the
black flag, as long as it can be determined that you where not
associated with the cursed traitor.

For the Undying Banner
Le Marroon
Grand Demagogue

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