
Mordekai (
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 01:08:37 +1000

>ask your pal morty what turn he approached me and what
>turn i strayed...80

Sorry Maddog I hate to make a liar of you but I think below is part
of a turn you sent me when we weren't on opposite sides of the pike
so to speak.

You actually first contacted me just before turn 62 ran.

You are right about the strayed. It was turn 80

'Morty' Mordekai

Date sent: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 18:55:22 -0700
From: (Olympia PBEM)
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To: (don potter)
Subject: Olympia g2 turn 73 report

Olympia G2 turn 73
Report for The Dogs [dq5].
Season "Fierce winds", month 1, in the year 10.

Account summary
Account: dq5

20-jun-98 mc 326123 30.00
23-jun-98 olympia g2 turn 71 -2.50
30-jun-98 olympia g2 turn 72 -2.50
7-jul-98 olympia g2 turn 73 -2.50

Balance: $24.50

Game totals:
Players: 330
Controlled units: 1,988
Other units: 4,281

Faction [dq5] rank
------------- ----
Characters: 3 233rd
Men: 84 118th
Gold: 768 188th
Land controlled: 0 158th
Skills known: 9/74 207th
Spells known: 0/79 202nd
Provinces visited: 5/31,919 219th

Brotherhood of the Red God

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