Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Rich Skrenta (
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 00:54:11 -0800 (PST)

> > I also hope that any major bug fixes will be reported before being
> > fixed. What I mean is like the movement bug.Some people thought it
> > was in someones favor, but it was just a bug and you announced it's
> > fixing 2 weeks in advance. Could that be done for every bug ?
> Yes, I will try to do that. What I've done in the past is
> bracket the bug fix with a time delay, something like
> if (prior to turn NNN) {
> old buggy behavior;
> } else {
> new fixed behavior;
> }
> And then announce what turn the bug will be fixed on.

I have fixed (I think) a number of the bugs which have been
reported on this list. The fixes are meant to bring the
operation of the program in line with the published rules.
The nature of the fixes is such that further advance warning
(such as what I had hoped to achieve above) is not possible,
but hopefully things will all be working correctly this
upcoming turn.

I apologize for the original bugs, or the fixes (whichever may
happen to inconvenience you more).

-- Rich "You have awoken me ... now you must pay!"

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