Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Band of the Spear (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 18:53:54 PST

With all due respect to Tom and the others who are participating in this

Umm... I'm thinking Rich knows what his job is... and I'm wondering if
he hasn't created a filter yet to filter mail which includes "job" (His
email is probably becoming background noise.)

I agree that the consequences of exploiting software defects shouldn't
be severe. If the penalties were severe, you would be less likely to
get people to cough them up, and then there really will be a problem.
Because Rich wouldn't know what was wrong with his product... in which
case, we might confuse him for a MickeySoft programmer. ;0)

As far as cheating is concerned, People are going to do what they do.
The rules don't say "don't exploit known bugs"; And, depending on what
an individual does will determine whether that person will have to deal
with his/her own conscience... (or lack there of.) After a while,
individuals who consistantly/miraculously come out on top when
everything is stacked against them will undoubtedly have a reputation...
and then we can get some real gossip.

In either case, the bunch of you are starting to sound like Law

Report your bugs, Suck it up, Drive on.

now then, how was I going to move into that castle... mumble mumble

Sam K.

> schrieb:
>> In a message dated 1/27/99 11:42:23 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> writes:
>> > Note #3. You must inform the GM of any game bugs found. But the
>> > don't prohibit bug explotation after they have been reported. I
think the
>> > rules need to be changed to punish bug abusers.
>> >
>> > It appears that many factions are using bugs. It also appears
that Rich
>> > won't fix the bugs any time soon. So do you let your faction fall
>> by
>> > not using bugs?
>As a fairly new faction-owner I am tempted to say: I will not use bugs.
>It's the same as cheating in an online game. You destroy your own fun.
>If I find out that not using bugs will let my faction fall behind in a
>way that spoils the game for me, I will drop out.
>I think things like fairness (and not using bugs IS fair. Using them is
>unfair. Even if anyone CAN use them it doesn't make it more fair) are
>more important in the first place than having "success" with your
>I couldn't enjoy success when I knew it isn't based on good play and
>skillfull tactics but on bugs.
>> I don't think the rules should be amended in this way for the simple
>> that without feedback from Rich we don't know what are bugs and what
>> features.
>> Instead of us players being concerned about bugs being used/abused I
think we
>> should be more concerned with the extremely slow response time we're
>> from Rich ref reported bugs.
>> If Rich fixed bugs in a timely manner or posted a message saying that
>> reported bug was a feature and would not be repaired (say within 30
days) than
>> this whole conversation would be moot.
>> If a bug is fixed it can't be abused.
>That's right. After all we are paying custumors. If WE do our part in
>making Olympia a better game by reporting the bugs, it's Rich's job to
>fix them or at least let the players know what's happening.
>Just my two cents of course... (or should that be $ 2.50)

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