Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Rodger Coghlan (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:15:50 -0500

Speaking of non-participation - I sent him email a couple of
weeks ago saying that my method of paying was going away
and that I needed to know how to continue paying him. I have
not heard from him. I really want to give him money but....


On 27-Jan-99, Wayne Sheppard wrote:
>>From: Tom Schmidt <>

>>>Dragon Lord schrieb:
>>>> Is this entire story going to start again ??
>>>> I think Rich is doing a great job running the
>>>> turns and since he is the GM, he will decide when
>>>> a bug should be fixed and when it is not nessecary
>>>> or too difficult to fix a bug.
>>>He does a good job in running the turns. And I do thank him for that.

>>Luckily for us, Rich probably has the turns mostly automated. In fact, the
>>turns run even when Rich is out of town.

>>>> So please let him do his work instead of always
>>>> complaining.
>>>> My thought is that if you don't like then quit or
>>>> start your own PBM if you think you can do it better

>>You are absolutely right. If anyone is unhappy with the service they are
>>getting for their $2.50, they can quit.

>>>You get one thing totally wrong here: Rich is selling his product to us,
>>>and we are his customers.
>>>I've heard no one complaining, that he could do it better.

>>You haven't been listening. Many people have complained about Rich's lack
>>of participation. He hasn't been publicly heard from, either on this list
>>or in the Times, in over four months. We cannot even get a status update
>>from him about the bugs. We have players keeping lists of bugs that have
>>been in the game for over a year. You would think that for $882.50 a week,
>>we could get better support than we are now.

>>But it does little good to complain. History has shown that.

>>>An analogy comes to my mind (and I'm gonna get crucified for this):
>>>Microsoft produces and sells OS's. They do their job. Still they get
>>>blamed for not fixing the bugs in their products.
>>>No one tells those who complain: "Why don't you write your own OS".

>>I guess you never heard of Linux. There are hundreds of programmers out
>>there devoting spare time, working together to write this free operating
>>system. Many people already say that it is better than Windows.

>>>Bye, Tom
>>>> Dragonlord
>>>> PS: my thanks to Rich for this great game and all the fun
>>>> that I have had in the last year and a half

>>I too have had much fun. Rich did an incredible job creating this game.


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