Re: Re:SFW Bug

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 03:25:37 +0100

You are quite right tracey, many wars were fought in the name of
christianity. I had not intended to continue thsi discussion, but now that
you ask, i should have added "in the modern world with christian values"

As to your last question, I do not own a kingdom and dont intend to. However
you are welcome to join my nascent trading empire :-)

Peter Beerepoot

>Umm..where do we start.
>The Crusades (major Christian Military aggression)
>The Normans (Christians) invaded England and the Italian Papalcy
>The 100years War (goodly Christians fighting each other for 100yrs)
>All the Colonial Wars (British, French etc. Expansion)
>1st and 2nd World wars (Christians vs Christians)
>I could find at least 100 more, all you have to do is look in the
>history books, these are just the ones that came to mind.
>And by the way, in REAL life I Don't -
> Spy on my neighbours.
> Practice petty theivery.
> Stir up war.
> Or practice Necromancy.
>But I plan to in this Game.
>I just have one question for Mr P.J.M. Berrepoot.
>- Where in Olympia is your Kingdom?? my faction needs a new home.

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