Re:SFW Bug

tracey (
Sat, 09 Jan 1999 12:58:36 +1100

>This is a game played by humans and they play it as they would in real
life. Western christianity has a distaste for war.

Umm..where do we start.
The Crusades (major Christian Military aggression)
The Normans (Christians) invaded England and the Italian Papalcy
The 100years War (goodly Christians fighting each other for 100yrs)
All the Colonial Wars (British, French etc. Expansion)
1st and 2nd World wars (Christians vs Christians)

I could find at least 100 more, all you have to do is look in the
history books, these are just the ones that came to mind.

And by the way, in REAL life I Don't -
Spy on my neighbours.
Practice petty theivery.
Stir up war.
Or practice Necromancy.
But I plan to in this Game.

I just have one question for Mr P.J.M. Berrepoot.
- Where in Olympia is your Kingdom?? my faction needs a new home.

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