Re: SFW Bug

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 19:17:42 +0100

Does that imply that you are going to get butchered in the end Yves :-)


>I think you all missed BRAVEHEART on BBC1 yesterday evening.
>You all could learn some lessons from it.
>And yes, we do have TV in Belgium !!! :)))
>Yves. (not trying to change the subject)
>PS : Now let's find another subject will we.
>>> The answer ofcourse is plain simple: dont go to war!
>>> and remember that no modern state in Western christianity attained its
>>> present borders through conquest.
>>You forgot about the American Indians. Manifest Destiny my ass.
>>Also, the Confederate States of America no longer exist because Robert E.
>>was forced to surrender at Appomatox.
>>The United States was expanded through conquest, and held together through
>>conquest. Anyone who thinks the South wasn't conquered in the Civil War
>>never heard of General Sherman.

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