Re: SFW Bug

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 19:12:22 +0100

>From the homepage:
>"Olympia, a large-scale strategic fantasy simulation"

pls note the word simulation
>I guess Vietnam, Korea, Grenada and Iraq don't count?

yes and i do recall all the protests, peace demonstrations and speak-ins
that went up with it. you will undoubtedly have noted that there was little
or no support from europe on that score.
>How can someone's real life beliefs affect the strategy they use in a game?

Interesting question, are you saying that you would apply different
strategies in either world to be succesfull? have you noted that bobby
fisher went mad only because he played a "game" , like many great
chessplayer before him. lets agree that we differ of opinion right.
>I'm located just east of Port Aurnos. Do your best.

I would say you are a Bandit then. But I havent the slightest intention.
Besides I am resident in a different area of this world.
>Do you recruit peasants or make baskets in real life?

I would if I happened to be a farmer :-)
Peter Beerepoot

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