Re: SFW Bug

Wayne Sheppard (
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 12:03:53 -0500

From: P.J.M. Beerepoot <>

>Do as you please, but dont expect others to sympathise with you when the
>bug is concerned.

I don't want or need any sympathy. I have all of my nobles fully learn SFW.

>>And whats that crap about Western christianity? This has no comparison in
>In my opinion you are quite wrong here. This is a game played by humans and
>they play it as they would in real life.

>From the homepage:
"Olympia, a large-scale strategic fantasy simulation"

I seriously doubt that most players here play as they would in real life.
Most people consider this a game. Most people can separate games from their
real life.

>Western christianity has a distaste for war.

I guess Vietnam, Korea, Grenada and Iraq don't count?

> Since most participants, as far as I can gather, are westerners the
>combatants will not attract much sympathy.

How can someone's real life beliefs affect the strategy they use in a game?

> You are ofcourse free to play it
>if you like. I am not telling you to play it different, oh no , factions
>like yours make it fun. But be advised that in the long run, and that again
>I offer as an opinion, warring factions will most likely be eliminated:-) I
>think you misread my little "diatribe" completely.

I'm located just east of Port Aurnos. Do your best.

I still say most people don't play a game the way they live their life. How
many people actually breed winged horses, cast spells, and fight monsters?
Do you recruit peasants or make baskets in real life?

I'm playing a game. I know how to separate that from my real life.

Wayne Sheppard

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