Re: Bug List: Resurrection
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 12:07:41 EST

In a message dated 1/7/99 11:58:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> This is a bad bug. IMHO, though, it isn't the bug that is ruining the
> game. That honor goes to the Survive Fatal Wound bug. Since SFW works
> with only day of study, rather than the full 28, people are saving weeks
> of noble time by learning only 1 day of it using Fast Study. Even
> worse, it is possible to generate aura in huge amounts extremely quickly
> by combining SFW with Tap Health for Aura. Those of us who didn't
> decide to use our Fast Study points to learn fishing on turn 3 because
> we were already running out of money (hey, I was young, what can I say)
> are able to take unfair advantage over everyone else.

I agree that this is a major bug that should be addressed.
But, you over state the advantage to factions with remaining Fast Study points
compared to factions without.

If you have FS points you can study 1 day of SFW and it will work. If you
don't have FS points you can study 1 week of SFW and it will work. So you're
only talking a differance of 6 days between players with FS points and those
of us that are FS point impaired.

But the main bug is still there. Instead of SFW taking 28 days and costing a
NP, it takes only 1-7 days and costs no NP.
This leads to all sorts of abuses (like the Tap Health for Aura abuse detailed
above) and needs to be nipped in the bud asap.


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