Re: concealed nobles

Capricorn (
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:59:30 +0100

Actually the seek doesn't end... a seek is ALWAYS 7 days, unless it's
interrupted by, say the stop command on the next turn.
So it's possible to find multiple consealed nobles with just one seek


At 13:13 16/12/98 -0600, Basil A. Daoust wrote:
>the 5-10% is per day, if you find anything the seek immediately ends.
>Maybe what is needed is a conceal movement penalty. If your concealing
>yourself you
>move at 1/2 speed.
>The reduced speed would mimic the fact that you can't just walk straight
>down the main roads and
>stuff. Though sometimes the best cover is no cover at all.
>Traitor wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Is there such a way to see Concealed nobles using the skill Conceal
>> Self[641]. Like an object you get from questing or some spell. Something
>> else beyond the command seek, which only give 5-10% chance to find a noble,
>> as well with that seven day use period.
>> Otherwise perhaps for g3 make the inclusion of such an object, but
>> it truly rare to get. Or otherwise make learning the skill Conceal self
>> harder to learn.
>> Thanks for your time.
>> ///Luv thy Traitors in Life.
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