Re: active players

Capricorn (
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 02:06:33 +0100

I wouldn't call the NP transfer a bug or a feature...
I'm guessing Rich gave the matter some thought and decided that a NPC was
like a noble and had to cost a NP when transferred to another faction. And
it's a very logical decision he has made. The thing that is really a bug
is that when an NPC dies, you never get a NP for it.
This is correct when you acquired the NPC in a normal fashion, by questing.
But when you took it from someone in conquest or as a present, and that
NPC should die, then there's a problem. You paid a NP for it, you should
get one back when the NPC dies.

my 2 cents


At 10:36 10/12/98 -0500, Greg Lindahl wrote:
>> Then the bug should be fixed immediately !!
>> The NP's are the most important thing in the game and also
>> the problem in g1.
>I see the abuse that Rich has to put up with on a daily basis.
>> The sooner it's fixed, the faster we can all stop discussing
>> about this on this list.
>No; now that people have proven they don't care to "discuss" the
>issue, only to repeat themselves.
>> PS: anyone that can think straight can find how to transfer NP's
>> from 1 faction to another and that would unbalance the game.
>OK, so explain to me how you can transfer 100 NPs to your faction?
>> So please Rich, if you are reading this and you have the time
>> fix that bug so we can all rest assured.
>I'd rather that he fix real bugs, thanks.
>-- greg
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