Re: active players

Mordekai (
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 18:43:28 +1000

> > You are actually wrong here. There is a way of transferring NP's.
> > But I'm not telling because unscrupulous factions might actually
> > use it.
> If you're referring to the fact that giving a control artifact to
> another faction transfers a NP, then that's a feature, not a bug. If
> there is any other way of transferring NPs, I don't know what it is,
> but if I did, I'd make sure it was fixed, since NP conservation is the
> most important system of the game, and it's the main reason that we're
> still happily killing each other on turn 95 instead of having a
> runaway winner.
> -- greg (Oleg is not interested in game design...)

I've reported it. It ain't been fixed. And it is huge hole in the NP
conservation system.

- Andrew

Brotherhood of the Red God

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