Re: active players

Samuel Kennedy (
Mon, 07 Dec 1998 18:57:51 PST

I too, am interested.

And a lot of NP's just floating out there in space which could be used
to significantly increase ones aliance to give a more significant
increase in power... hmm.

Band of the Spear

>> If there are actually 358 factions in the game, then an
>>alliance of say, 15 factions represents 4% of the total factions in
>>But if the estimate of 200 actual factions is correct, then the same
>>of 15 factions now represents 8%.
>>Their power just doubled.
>It's not how many power you 've got that counts,
>but how you use it .......
>Taern Hornblade,
>First Knight of Silver, Lord of the Crown.
>PS : and I think Rimmon would do better to read the manual once in a
> before making empty threats at their neighbours.
> May war bring peace. Amen.

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