Re: active players
Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:59:33 EST

In a message dated 12/7/98 8:52:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> All those calculations, very impressive. Now I only have 1 question.
> So who cares ??
> Dragonlord

Actually, I care.
I think it's very interesting. The world is about a third smaller than we
thought it was. If there are actually 358 factions in the game, then an
alliance of say, 15 factions represents 4% of the total factions in the game.
But if the estimate of 200 actual factions is correct, then the same alliance
of 15 factions now represents 8%.
Their power just doubled.

Nice to know TIBs is now twice as powerful as we were last week :-)
Then again, so is everybody else :-(

Eric the Seehawk

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