Re: Regrettable Murder
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 11:19:58 -0500

While I love a good wargame, I just had to respond to your point. Olympia
IS a game. That allows us to do things we can't do in real life, such as
avoid war and death. Sometimes it's fun to play the bad guy and go
rampaging, but personally I prefer to do that sort of thing in a dedicated
wargame. In this sort of persistent world game, my preferences are to
focus on peaceful development and exploration. I understand your
viewpoint, but just because something is a game doesn't mean that we all
want to do the same things. That's what makes it interesting. If everyone
were a peacenik, the game probably would get boring quickly, but on the
other hand, if everyone just wanted to fight, this would be a tactical
wargame instead of an RPG.

House Barimen on 12/02/98 10:49:59 AM

cc: (bcc: Allan L Shampine/Lexecon)
Subject: Re: Regrettable Murder

>Indeed more regrettable that the peace of a land be so fragile. Closed
>and silent neighbors bring war far faster than any marching army. It is a
>many learn too late.
> -Erick Drunkenstyle, for the Tanstagi

After seeing many, many posts like this I can no longer keep
silent... this is a GAME, not real life, war and death are GOOD
things, not things to be avoided!! I can't believe the number
of diplomatic, peace-loving players on this list. What's the point
of having troops if you don't use them?

Thalis, Warmonger :)

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