Regrettable Murder

Conrad Chu (
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 14:13:59 -0800 (PST)

Regrettable Murder

As Speaker for the Eastern Krussos Factions, I address the regrettable
death of one Bla'thnait [4822]

The noble in question did cross into our territory and did not make
any attempt to contact any noble within these lands. This noble was
allowed to exist more than one turn before a hostile decree was issued
against the scouting noble. Through a lack of communication on either
party this noble was the first to be executed by the Eastern Krussos
Factions for trespassing, ever. Previous trespassers did identify
themselves in a timely fashion (within one additional turn) and
accommodations were reached with allowed all parties to understand the
situation. Said noble had two turns to contact anyone in the
territories controlled by the Eastern Krussos Factions, to state their
intentions for violating our territory and crossing many garrisoned
provinces. We do not expect to have to challenge every noble we might
run across, nor should we pester our neighbors about nobles which may
or may not be theirs.

The prior understanding between the Amazon-Celts the previous speaker
had could be summarized by the following.

1. We do not tolerate scouting in our territory and will not scout
territory controlled by Amazon-Celts.
2. Any border crossing should be identified immediately if not before
such event happens.
3. We each reserve the right to secure our respective territory.
4. Trade inside our territory was forbidden as too high a security risk.

I cannot make that last point any more clearly. It was a principle
decided early in the founding of Eastern Krussos and was made clear to
Amazon-Celts who were a Merchant alliance. We did not seek to remove
them from the continent and believe a peaceful coexistence is
possible. So long as the territory boundaries worked out were
respected all would be well.

Addressing other matters,
The Eastern Krussos Factions are not in the habit of making repetitive
decrees since all our neighbors are aware of out territorial policy
(or so I believed.) Any noble wandering in is presumed to have passed
through these neighboring territories and failing any contact with
Eastern Krussos faction members, to be a scouting and presumably
hostile noble. As there were explorers, eager to map the world, those
same explorers left our territory with their skins intact and as much
as possible of our territory unmapped. Due to the desire for
anonymity, faction members do not challenge nobles via the g2
diplomacy e-mail repeater, as anonymity is lost in any direct
challenge. As I am only Speaker for the Eastern Krussos Factions, I
am not the leader, nor do I coordinate security for the factions.
Delays and otherworldly distractions may have hindered an active probe
into determining the origin of the scouting noble, but nothing would
have been gained to challenge the noble, only to have the noble
retreat out of our territory. Those with honest intentions tended to
contact us rather than the other way around. It was a small measure
of sincerity and courtesy to do so. Any armed stack would have been
met with appropriate force. As it is the territories do not have a
decree of hostile toward all. We understand that the curious or the
uninformed (newbie) may wander into our territory looking for a place
to settle away from the hot areas in g2. When contacted we explain
their error and ask them to leave. Should there be no contact there
should be no surprise that said nobles would be killed, especially
during these uneasy times and talk of war and deceit.

Any contact with Eastern Krussos is directed to me,
Speaker for Eastern Krussos Factions
Stone Crown [en6]

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