
Hugh O'Neil (
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 23:22:33 -0800 (PST)

Today my partner received her turn report, to fill everyone in a
little, she had been scouting for new cities and trade potential to
the area ne of us, this land had once been controlled by a long time
friend who went of and left it to another , when he left he told me
that this person was a reasonable person and I would be able to
continue my relationship with them, although I had had no contact from
them I asked the previous owner for their address and either he never
got round to sending it or I lost it , either way I attach no blame to
him for what then occured. So as our alliance had a spare noble and
flying horse I suggested that my partner order it to fly over one of
his squares on her way home , this would provide her with the
information we required.

This she did and in doing so got no unfriendly reaction, so I felt
that the new owner was aware of who we were and the relationship we
had with the previous owner. On her return to our lands my partner
deceided to see if we could get some info on the cities that lay to
the ne , again not knowing who owned them and they feelings towards
peaceful traders we thought if the owner did not want us there they
would contact them, perhaps we should of contacted them first , but as
I said I mistakely felt they were friendly . So my partner sent of her
noble mounted on a flying horse , no soldiers or any escort , we felt
that we did not want to make anyone think we were hostile.

After a couple of turns were she succesfully located a couple of
cities and examined their markets , we were quite happy the overlord
of the area was not concerned as, we had had no message informing that
we were unwelcome and should cease our activities and leave the area.
So this turn my partner ordered her noble to make one more sweep and
then return home.

Then this happened.

Bla'thnait [4822]

1: Arrival at Forest [bf84].
2: > fly bg84
2: Flying to Plain [bg84] will take three days.
2: Garrison [g193] attacks us!
2: We lost!
2: Loss in battle cancels movement.
2: *** Bla'thnait has died ***

No warning was issued they just attacked and killed.

I now know that the previous friendly relationship is none exsistant,
in some respects I have erred , I should of anouced my noble informed
them we were on a peaceful mission, but I have never seen any
anoucement in the times saying nobles were unwelcome in this area,
I have never received any warning or even a threat , such as get of my
land or die, the noble was not attempting to hide , she was unarmed
carried no escort , but she was murdered , therefore I deduce that my
neighbour is either trying to hide somthing , if they did not want me
there simply saying so would work, or more sinister they are preparing
to threaten my self and my partner and our small enclave, therefore I
shall now be closing my borders and preparing to defend my land.

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