Re: i do not get it

James Frediani (
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 07:37:12 -0700

Dear Seahawk:

Thank you for including the original message. My server has picked up your
response, but not the original inquiry.

To the compain-er:

Actually, I think the Times is _exactly_ the place for TIB to place their
pronouncement. Its news, and its "public service" [ aware, there is
a war going on over here]. A NEWSLETTER is the best place for this. IMHO

As for what's on the list...there is a block of players that prefer to
the list for rules-related issues. Frankly, I disagree, but it appears this
is a concensus...the g2-list is ually _dead_ quiet.

My opinion, as always

Jim Frediani

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, October 07, 1998 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: i do not get it

>In a message dated 10/7/98 7:15:43 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
>> just read in times 1 and 1/2 page writing on TIB's destroying a single
>> faction. I do not get it - are they bored. I suppose a force like TIB
>> deal with that poor Bane or whatever in a few turns but you present it
>> Times as an event in WWII scale.
>> though i must admit it's always interesting to read about killed nobles,
>> would you like to post any battle reports
>I am not sure of the meaning behind this message.
>Are you suggesting that TIB is attacking merely for boredom? Do you
>the veracity of our claim? Do you question our honor? We are not
attacking a
>single faction, a single faction has attacked us. Our declaration of war
>in response to attacks upon our nobles by The Efficient Empire. We are not
>starting a war, we are ending one.
>Are you questioning need for the length of the post? I attempted to make
>post as detailed as possible to warn neutrals, travelers and traders away
>the effected area. I also felt it necessary to state our case publicly to
>avoid having other world leaders believe that we were attacking Bane for no
>I do not think it is your place to question our motives and justifications
>since, to the best of my knowledge, I have never spoken to you on this or
>other topic before and you have no information on the topic about which you
>are speaking of.
>If you would like to discuss this further please contact me directly as I
>not wish this aired on the list.
>Eric the Seehawk
>TIB Alliance.

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