Re: i do not get it
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 09:16:38 EDT

In a message dated 10/7/98 7:15:43 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

> just read in times 1 and 1/2 page writing on TIB's destroying a single
> faction. I do not get it - are they bored. I suppose a force like TIB can
> deal with that poor Bane or whatever in a few turns but you present it in
> Times as an event in WWII scale.
> though i must admit it's always interesting to read about killed nobles,
> would you like to post any battle reports

I am not sure of the meaning behind this message.
Are you suggesting that TIB is attacking merely for boredom? Do you question
the veracity of our claim? Do you question our honor? We are not attacking a
single faction, a single faction has attacked us. Our declaration of war is
in response to attacks upon our nobles by The Efficient Empire. We are not
starting a war, we are ending one.

Are you questioning need for the length of the post? I attempted to make the
post as detailed as possible to warn neutrals, travelers and traders away from
the effected area. I also felt it necessary to state our case publicly to
avoid having other world leaders believe that we were attacking Bane for no

I do not think it is your place to question our motives and justifications
since, to the best of my knowledge, I have never spoken to you on this or any
other topic before and you have no information on the topic about which you
are speaking of.

If you would like to discuss this further please contact me directly as I do
not wish this aired on the list.

Eric the Seehawk
TIB Alliance.

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