Re: Fwd: Young Fresh Teens

Rich Skrenta (
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 09:31:57 -0700 (PDT)

> I use my work email for olympia, and it is tolerated by sys admim.
> But with this kind of mail being sent to my work, I am
> not in a position to defend my olympia mail as recreational.

I am sure this is not the last spam you will receive on the Internet.
I get about 20 such messages per day. There seems to be little one
can do about them. Post your sysadmin's email address on Usenet
somewhere, and he will get them too. Then he will be more tolerant.

But I have turned on the mailing list feature such that only list
subscribers can post to the list. I personally find this an annoying
feature, but it is becoming more common on mailing lists as an
anti-spam device. If you find that you can no longer post to the
g2-list, make sure you are subscribed with the exact address you
are trying to post from.

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