Re: Bounty offered

Majestic (
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 18:15:34 +0200

To the point :

Get off our lands Plato - loosers.

BTW : what are you talking about, is Steel and Stone your faction???

>Really, only one comment here:
>Cendage, what the HELL business is this of yours? The fact that that
>what you say is completely innacurate is almost irrelevant. What is
>more troubling in this game is that certain loudmouths have such an
>advanced opinion of themselves that they feel it is their right and duty
>to spew about matters on which they have no interest or knowledge.
>>From now on, let's make a rule that if you have no facts on which to
>base your mindless nattering that you just keep it to yourself.
>Ming, the Irritated
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> Sent: Sunday, June 28, 1998 3:01 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Bounty offered
>> Know this, fellow Olympians,
>> The faction in question, Stahl and Stein, is part of the alleged
>> invasion
>> force from PLATO. I suspect the large stack in Trullion can take care
>> of
>> their own bounties and, really, would YOU want to do a bounty search
>> with
>> 4 groups moving troops around?!?
>> In other words, this isn't as innocent as it sounds. It could be
>> argued
>> that the noble harmed was, in fact, a spy for the alleged invading
>> force.
>> Any acts of violence against this noble are thus acceptable as an act
>> of
>> war.
>> This is akin to an invading force complaing about someone defending a
>> castle.
>> --Cendage
>> Eridanus
>> On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Benjamin Swain wrote:
>> > Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All noble men of honour (...and greed!) :-)
>> >
>> > I, Wyrmswyrd, of faction Stahl & Stein, do hereby declare the one
>> known as
>> > Haleth [2978] an outlaw, for acts of banditry, and the murder of
>> Meriwether
>> > Lewis,
>> > a nobleman, explorer and mapmaker of faction Stahl & Stein, on the
>> 3rd day,
>> > of the
>> > 7th month, in Waning Days, of the year 9.
>> >
>> > I further declare, affirm and swear that any nobleman who delivers
>> the body
>> > of said
>> > outlaw to Stahl & Stein or our representative, shall be paid a
>> bounty of
>> > 10,000 gold
>> > for there efforts in his apprehension. Said outlaw was last seen
>> heading
>> > east on
>> > day 8, of the 7th month, in Waning Days, of the year 9, in The
>> Shadowlands
>> > [df75],
>> > mountain, in Provinia.
>> >
>> > Sworn by me this 1st day, of the 8th month, in Dark Night, of the
>> year 9.
>> >
>> > Wyrmswyrd
>> >
>> > Ben
>> >
>> > Olympia II, world class PBeM-RPG game.
>> > See Wyrmswyrd's Olympia II web pages at:
>> >
>> >

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