Trullion and the Accord
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:30:11 EDT

I didn't want to speak up on this matter, and I wish I did not have to. But
this morning I got an email from somebody in the Yellowleaf area asking me if
Plato's presence in Trullion was a violation of the Accord.
I didn't want to be rude, so I responded.
But, I also did not want to risk my words being misrepresented to other
players/powers or quoted out of context.
So, below is my exact reply to the player and my opinion on the matter.

I'm just trying to cover my ass here :-)

I am not the caretaker of the Yellowleaf Accord. The signees of the Accord
and the residents of the Yellowleaf region are. It is not my place to say
whether or not Plato's prescence in Trullion is against the treaty.

All I can offer is my personal understanding of the treaty.
The treaty called for the removal of Plato troops from Provinia, but it did
not stipulate that they could not return. So, their presence in Trullion does
not break that portion of the accord.

But, the accord did grant possesion of Trullion to Lords of the Crown. So in
the Accord's eyes (and hopefully all of the players/groups that agreed to the
accord) Plato has landed a force in a city that belongs to another alliance.
It should be noted that Plato agreed to this Accord.

So, this is not another "spirit-vs-letter" debate. Trullion does belong to
LotC. Thus, while Plato's presence there does not violate the accord, LotC
does have the right to demand Plato to leave LotC land. If they don't, then
LotC would probably be justified in calling this an act of war.

So before another thread starts on this;
I am NOT saying that the Accord does not allow Plato to return to Provinia.
And I am NOT attempting to stir up another spirit vs letter debate.
I also would NOT have commented on this matter had I not been contacted and
asked my opinion.
But the accord clearly places Trullion in LotC ownership, and if they construe
Plato's presence as an agressive act, so be it.

BTW - It would be silly if I didn't point out that Inner Circle's movments
over the border didn't also violate the Accord on the same grounds. And since
ICs and Plato's connection is well known, I don't know if Plato's move is
really a surprise nor is it the first such violation.

Hope this helps
(but I'm sure it won't)
Eric the Seehawk

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