
M.M. Baenre (
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 04:16:06 PDT

Dear Olympians ,

I guess travel in and around Trullion isn't safe anymore.
Those damn PLATO mosquitos are swarming again.
So newbies and other nobles, be cautious.
Maybe this is just their scouting party :)

Ships docked at port:
Pride of Cucamonga [7064], roundship, 80% loaded, defense 10,
owner: Captain Spalding [4232], "The African Explorer",
with 108 pikemen, eight sailors, eight swordsmen, 60
crossbowmen, 15 elite archers
Ponce [2508], roundship, 96% loaded, defense 10, owner:
Venger Nevergood [4318], with ten peasants, 15 workers, eight
sailors, 102 pikemen, 96 blessed soldiers
Leaky Tub [9801], roundship, 97% loaded, defense 10, 5% damaged,
owner: Son of Norc [8576], with 123 pikemen, eight sailors,
77 crossbowmen, 13 elite archers, two battering rams,
one catapult, one hound
Collapsar [6645], roundship, 91% loaded, defense 10, owner:
Nimitz [9694], with nine sailors, accompanied by:
Sargeant Zim [9959], "Everybody fights, nobody quits", with
159 crossbowmen, 34 elite archers, eight catapults

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