(no subject)

Michael W. Cofran (Thunder@napanet.net)
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 14:59:44 -0700

> This the same way the AOO would have reacted in g1.
> It is a bug and it should be fixed, it is like the movement bug,
> some people base their entire future planning on a bug.
> When you oath your nobles, hey that's great but some people
> don't think like you and because of that they should be
> punished by not fixing a BUG (an error, a flaw, a big mistake ?!!??)
> It's simple, the rules state that the NP is returned when the
> noble dies or joins another faction, then this is what should happen.

Well, since I was never AOO, I guess your point is moot, no? I also think
you misunderstood my postings. Its just my _opinion_ that I'm stating
here, thats all. I'm not going to ask Rich to change the rules to match
what is currently happening in the game. I'm quite sure that just the
opposite will happen, which is exactly what everyone (save myself) seems to
want. I have no problem with that whatsoever. Its a bug, it should be
fixed. Just because I'd personally like to see it stay the way it is
doesn't mean its going to happen.

'nuff said about this already.


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