(no subject)

Skip Sifu (ssifu@hotmail.com)
Thu, 04 Jun 1998 07:46:30 PDT

>> This is after all a very serious bug, you can destroy an entire
>> just by holding
>> nobles with contract or fear-contracts prisoner for a few turns.
>I vote it stays the way it is. Its a built-in risk factor for not
>your nobles. But you still lose all the invested noble points minus
one if
>the noble dies, oathed or not you say? Another built-in risk factor.
>all your nobles Fight to the Death and Survive Fatal Wound, then take
>of them. Getting a noble killed off is supposed to hurt. I know this
>opinion is probably in the minority, but I like it the way it is.

This the same way the AOO would have reacted in g1.
It is a bug and it should be fixed, it is like the movement bug,
some people base their entire future planning on a bug.
When you oath your nobles, hey that's great but some people
don't think like you and because of that they should be
punished by not fixing a BUG (an error, a flaw, a big mistake ?!!??)
It's simple, the rules state that the NP is returned when the
noble dies or joins another faction, then this is what should happen.

my 2p


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